"Why do you think you can run a marathon???? Why do you think you can even run three miles today. You are so tired after 1 mile, there's no way you could even run a half marathon. This hurts your body. Why do you even have a desire to run a marathon. There's no way you'll survive a marathon."
I needed inspiration and motivation in a major way!! Lucky for me I took a trip to Hawaii last week and realized that the Honolulu marathon would be taking place on the Sunday that I was there! I was really excited. I have never seen a marathon. I made the decision to get up at 5:00am (start time) and walk a few blocks down the road to where the racers would run by. I was somewhere between mile 5 and 6. I got there at about 5:20am and my heart was racing!! It was so exciting. At first the runners were few and far between, but really quickly they started coming by the herd!! Over 20,000 people ran this race! My adrenalin wad pumping! I cheered my heart out for those runners. Other people around me had noise makers, but I only had my voice and my hands. I was sure my hands were going to be bruised, but I didn't care. The ladies next to me were all Japanese and they were hilarious. They sang Jingle Bells and Santa Clause is Coming to Town in English and then in Japanese. Can you imagine what the runners were thinking! Some runner held camcorders and some held cameras. Some even wore costumes. After my Japanese friends saw their friend who was running they left. I eventually was the only one at that spot cheering. I just knew that if I was running, I wouldn't have made it to that spot yet. Even the slow runners need cheering! I just couldn't leave yet. I stayed there for an hour and 45 minutes. Oh, I was taking pictures too.
I couldn't really get good pictures here as it was still dark out.
When I finally left that spot, I decided to go to the finish line for some more excitement!
I love the finish line. You see all sorts of emotions there. There were some who were still super happy and looked like they could keep running.
There were those I thought would rather die than run 200 more yards to the finish.
This poor guys legs were cramping up bad. You better believe we all cheered for him so loud to get up and finish. He tried a couple of times and then squatted again. Everyone was yelling, you can do it, and after a minute he did. Way to go buddy.
There were those who were proud.
There were those who wanted to share this awesome moment with their family.
There were newly weds. :)
And there were those that left me in awe.
I loved how a lot of runners would raise their arms across the finish line. You have to look closely in this pictures to see it. (I was thinking of Kristi.)
There were those who were running for a cause. ( I was thinking of JP)
I thought about all of you mommies at some point in time. When the finish time got to 3 hours 40 minutes, I thought about all you amazing mommies that just qualified for Boston! And when it got to 4 hours. I thought about those of you who are shooting to break the 4 hour mark at SLC. I got such inspiration from watching all of these runners accomplish this goal of a marathon! I wanted so badly to be running with them. It made me realize that I CAN run a marathon, even if it takes me all day long, I can do it. AND I WILL come April 19th! Look out SLC here come the mommies!
P.S. Merry Christmas. :)
I HATE watching races. I always wish so violently that I were running in them. I think that's the perfect motivation to get you training for April, though! And hi, Hawaii!
I ran today.
I love this post! I love that you got up early and cheered on those runners with great enthusiasm. I love that they have inspired you. I love that you thought of us. :) I also love watching people finish their marathons. It makes me tear up every time watching runner after runner cross that line - each with their own stories, struggles and reasons for finishing. I can't wait to finish in SLC with the mommies!
Comment here if you ran on Tuesday and need to report it for the current contest!
Thanks for sharing this--it was really inspiring.
I have never watched any races. I think that's why I was so nervous at my first race. I would love to, though. Thanks for such a beautiful post. I really, REALLY wish I could run with you ladies in April. Maybe I'll take a trip just to cheer you all on. :)
Oh, I ran today. (Tues)
Ang, that was awesome! I loved the commentary on the pics. I am so excited that it motivated you. I look forward to running with you in a few weeks! Thanks!
I ran Tuesday!
What an awesome post. I too am the girl that gets so much excitement from watching others succeed. I cry violently, almost loud and sobbing, I just love it! Sometimes I think that I get so emotional in cheering crowds, because it is reminding me about something that happened before we came to this earth...and that we will have millions of supporters on the sidelines watching us, that we can't even see. Love it!
I love this post too! That has really got me motivated. I just hope in Boston I'm not that guy that is bent over with leg cramps.
I ran Tuesday.
Thsi was a GREAT post. So fun and made me very excited.
I'm going to post a "head count" post tomorrow for SL marathon. woo hoo!
I ran Wednesday and it was sleeting and snowing and slippery and I freakin' rock for still going (I'm just sayin')
Tears...in my eyes...(I swear, I'm such a baby sometimes.) This made my heart and my hopes soar.
I loved this post...and also? Hurray! Go Team in Training!! :)
Absolutely lovely! When I ran SLC last year I couldn't imagine what it felt like watching. I wanted everyone to experience what I was experiencing. Your post was beautiful!!! Thank you for showing us how fun this will be!!!
I'm glad you got to experience the marathon here in our home of Aloha.
I wish I could have ran the race this year but was not feeling well... so I just cheered my girlfriends and boss at work. Maybe next year. Did you get soaked from the rain lol. I know they did!!! but the rain has never stopped anyone tis far. Enjoyed reading your experience.. Aloha Joyful
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