I am a stay-at-home mom with 5 kids ranging from 15 mos. to 14 yrs. I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. I began running in the fall of 2004 with the goal of losing weight. I lost 60 lbs. and ran my first marathon (Salt Lake) in April 2005. I was hooked, and I've now run 6 marathons. I am a member of Locomotion Running Club here in Salt Lake City, and we do long runs together. My latest claim to fame is that I qualified for Boston in St. George 2006, then got pregnant with number 5, so I ended up running Boston when my baby was 6 months old (just before my qualification expired). I was still nursing, so I had to take my pump with me to Hopkinton and sit on the grass with a blanket over me and pump my milk before the race. (my baby took a bottle, so he was fine with my husband, but for my own comfort I had to pump). It was kind of funny, but I was willing to do whatever I had to do. Boston was awesome! Running is my escape- I feel like I can do anything when I'm out on a run or crossing a finish line. I hope to be able to inspire my kids to be active- whether it's in running or some other activity- just to be healthy. Run loco!
Favorite race distance: I love marathons, but I think my favorite distance is half-marathons- they are long enough that it is a challenge, but short enough that you don't hit the wall.
Favorite song to run to: "If your gonna..." by Natasha Bedingfield and "Beautiful Day" by U2
Favorite dessert: Anything with oreos in it.
Current goal: Qualify for Boston again by the end of 2009.
My blogger screenname for my blog:kFairbourn

Running used to define me. I ran the 800, 400 and 1500 at Weber State, and that was who I was. Then I graduated and lo and behold they don't hold street 800s, so I had to expand my distance if I wanted to keep running. I dabbled in 5Ks and coached a high school cross country team (boys are easier to coach than girls). Then in 2005 I had my first baby girl and needed something to motivate me. I signed up for the SL half marathon and set a time goal of 7:00-7:30 miles. It killed me.
Since then I've done a couple sprint triathlons, a full length triathlon, and countless 5Ks. Throw into that mix another sweet baby girl, a part-time job writing for the local newspaper, and a serious lack of motivation, and my running hasn't really reached over 20 miles a week since then.
Now, running doesn't define me, motherhood does. But running is something that adds sanity to my mothering. I'd like to gain more sanity time. This year is an "off-pregnancy" year, and I'm turning 30, so I have to do something monumental---THE MARATHON. I'm going to sign up for the Winter Racing Circuit (which builds towards the Ogden marathon), and do the Ogden marathon. Wish me luck!
Favorite race distance: 5K
Favorite song to run to: My heartbeat
Favorite dessert: Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!
Current goal: Ogden Marathon in 3:30 or under.
Blogger screen name: Stephanie and Co.

Favorite race distance: 8 miles because it's not too much but you feel like you have done something
Favorite song to run to: too many to say
Favorite dessert: cookies and cake
Current goal: it changes all the time.
Blogger screen name: www.thehortonclan.blogspot.com
I am a survivor of two spinal surgeries in three years and I am also a marathon runner. My passion for running began in May of 2002. I remember that time in my life vividly because shortly thereafter I was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that causes me to grow tumors in my nerves. My grandfather, who died from a brain tumor, and father both suffered from the same genetic disorder. I began having tumors removed from the nerves in my legs when I was nineteen years old. After genetic testing and several MRI’s of my brain and spine, it was discovered that I had multiple tumors within my spinal canaland chest wall. In January of 2005, I underwent my first spinal surgery to remove a tumor that was impinging on my spinal cord. In January of 2006, I gave birth to beautiful baby girl and ran my first marathon when she was 7 months old (September 2006). I ran two more marathons within 6 months of that. Unfortunately, while training for the Dallas Marathon last year I got a stress fracture in my right femur bone, which halted me from running for 6 months. In a routine MRI in January of this year another tumor was found in my spinal canal. So, in March I underwent my second spine surgery to remove a tumor in my spinal canal and a second tumor from my chest wall. I have a passion for running that has gotten me through so much. I want to prove to myself along with the doctors that I can do anything I put my mind to. I have recovered from the surgery and ran in the 2008 Marine Corps marathon and the San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon. My goal has been 2 marathons a year and I won’t let a spinal tumor stop me from achieving my goal. Fortunately, my husband is in the Army, so the tremendous medical costs have not been a burden for our young family.
I am also running the Dallas Half Marathon on December 14th! After 5 full Marathons I running my first half!!

i am a single mother to a beautiful baby girl. i started running in september of 2008 to lose some baby weight, but ended up loving it. so now i want to particpate in some 5 k runs. my goal is to participate in a half marathon. for now, i run with my baby because she is okay with 5 miles......my long saturday runs will have to be without her though. i am loving how it feels to make new goals and being pleasently suprised to reach them...even if it is just one more mile. i have a running partner in germany who gave me the motivation to run, and even though she is halfway around the world, i could not run without her....so shouts out to her.
Favorite race distance: i havent done a race yet, but i think a 5k would be a run in the park....very motivating :)
Favorite song to run to: satisfaction by benny benassi
Favorite dessert: ice cream cone from McDs
Current goal: run a half marathon
Blogger screen name: MeLiSSa

Favorite distance: Marathon
Favorite song to run to: I love music but for safety I don't use an MP3 player
Favorite dessert: Anything chocolatey and caramely
Current goal: California International Marathon in Sacramento 12/7/08

I'm a mom of 3 kids (ages 3-11)and find that running helps me be a better mom. I've ran off and on for the last 15 years. I love to run in the morning-even though I'm NOT a morning person. I have some great friends that I run with and look forward to seeing every morning. They inspire me in more ways than just running. They inspire me to be a better person, mom, wife, and I'm getting in better shape to top it off. I trained by myself for a 1/2 marathon 2 years ago. I enjoyed the high from the marathon and then suffered from "burn out". I didn't run much for another year. I've been running almost every morning since May. I love that a 3 1/2-4 1/2 mile run is now an every day run for me.
My favorite place to visit is Seaside Beach, Oregon. Our family tries to get up there every year. My dream run would be the Hood to Coast run that ends at Seaside. Maybe one day.
Favorite race distance: 5K and 1/2 marathon
Favorite song to run to: Disturbia
Favorite dessert: ice cream
Current goal: Salt Lake 1/2 Marathon 2009

I've done a couple of half marathons, and hope to do my first full marathon next year. I struggle at times with motivation. I am married and have two children, aged 6 and 8 and we homeschool, and I work part time as a veterinarian. I started running in May 07 when I read somewhere that the fastest rate of increase in heart disease was in women my age who didn't exercise. That was me. So, I started with the couch to 5k, and kept on going. I love the trailrunning, and don't really enjoy the monotony of running in the suburbs.
My favourite race distance is the half marathon, it's a good workout.
Favourite song to run to - Patrick Hernandez "Born To Be Alive" - yep, showing my age here, LOL.
Favourite dessert - pavlova
Current goal (injury permitting) - Great Ocean Road Marathon in Victoria, Aus, May 2009. A 45km run along the ocean's edge at the bottom of Australia.
I don't have a blogger screen name, but I do have my own blog at
Landy: I am a California native living in Provo who has called myself a runner most of my life. (Yes, my short stature and childbearing hips might tell you otherwise.) I have one five month old son, and find inspiration from all you mothers with multiple children who still find the time to train for races. I run for health, to clear my mind, to have toned legs, and to refine my spirit. Controlling my body with my mind through running, seems to help me gain control over "the natural man" in all other aspects of my life. I've run one half marathon and several shorter races. My ultimate goal is to run the LA Marathon. (If I'm going to run 26.2 miles I want a million spectators watching so I can really feel the glory.;) I've currently started training again for my second Salt Lake Half and am excited to quit stalking and finally be a part of this website.
Favorite race distance: 10k and 1/2 marathon
Favorite running song: Let's get it started, Black Eyed Peas
Favorite dessert: Ice cream
Current goal: 1/2 marathon
Blogger screen name: Landy

My name is Janine, I am the mother of a three year old boy. Who keeps me very active. I have been married to my husband Jared for nine years, I am so thankful that he is supportive of my running goals. My newest one is a marathon. I found this blog just in time too, my very good friend pasted away from Breast Cancer in September, she was my very first running partner, and I have made my next goal a marathon which I am doing in memory of her. I am running it in February!
I have been a runner for 10 years, maybe longer, but I got very serious about it when I met my friend who passed away. That was when I started racing, lost some weight, and actually got faster!
I love my time running, I am a morning runner. I am a teacher, and I bring my running to work. For the last three years I have done a running group with fifth and sixth grade girls, we train and complete a local womens 5k (the Freihofers race women) which has been an amazing experience for me and the girls that train for it.
I look forward to sharing my training experience....good, bad and long....with all of you amazing mommies!
Favorite race distance: 10k
Favorite song to run to: Anything I can sing too! But I only listen to music when I am on the treadmill
Favorite dessert: anything sweet I am not fussy about my treats!
Current goal: winter marathon
Blogger screen name:
My name is Aimee Loveless, I teach aerobics and ran my first 1/2 marathon this last summer. I am wanting to do the Salt Lake 1/2 marathon in spring because I just love me a race! I have two daughters, ages 3 and 1. I don't like to run with my kids because all I hear is the whining and don't get into the "zone" but I am looking to maybe do that, as it is getting too dark to run at night when my husband gets home from work now:( I live in Salt Lake City, UT.
Favorite race distance: 5K because it's fast and furious!
Favorite song to run to: "Shake It" by Metro Station
Favorite dessert: Ben & Jerry's Coffee Heath Bar Crunch
Current goal: full length marathon eventually
Blogger screen name: Trixy Lovelace

I am a 28 year old mother of 2 children who has been married to the best husband ever for over 8 years now. I am a former Kindergarten teacher and a current stay-at-home-mom. I live in Utah, but my "coach" (your very own Kelly-M&M-who is also my sister-in-law) trains me via email, Skype, and the occasional phone call from Portland. I am a newbie to running, so I am just discovering what I can do and how much I enjoy doing it. For soooo many years I looked at runners on the street and at the gym and thought, "Are they CRAZY? Why do they do that to themselves? There is no way that can be fun." I've even told myself, "I can't do that. I can't run. I have bad knees. I don't breathe right." Blah, blah, blah. I have recently lost 50 pounds, I just wasn't losing the last 10 pounds, I was BORED with my workout, and I was looking for something new to spice it up and jumpstart my body. One day I woke up and thought, "Who said I can't run? I'm going to try it just so I know if I can or if I can't." Surely, running would help with the weight loss, right? I called Kelly, and she told me about the Couch-to-5k program, so I started with that. I thought I was going to kill over after attempting to run a mile. I was right about one thing---I didn't breathe right. Not being able to do it easily fueled me to keep trying until I got it. Over the next few weeks I continued Couch-to-5k, really practiced my breathing (I know that sounds funny), and became more and more addicted each time I ran. I can now whip out a 5k and then some and still feel great when I finish. I'm working on increasing my mileage as I train for my first half marathon that I'm doing in Portland with Kelly in the spring of 2009. My goal is to be ready for a full marathon in the Spring of 2010. Then I'll work on baby number three. I'm very inspired by George Sheehan's statement: "It's very hard in the beginning to understand that the whole idea is not to beat the other runners. Eventually you learn that the competition is against the little voice inside you that wants to quit." I work hard to keep pushing myself whenever that little voice speaks up, and I'm hoping that I can do that as that future marathon day approaches.
Favorite Race Distance: To Be Determined
Favorite Song To Run To: Anything on my Twilight Playlist (I have way too many favorites to list)
Favorite Dessert: I know most people don't consider it dessert, but I LOVE homemade bread with homemade jam--it's my snacking weakness
Current Goal: Hippie Chick Half Marathon 2009 / Wasatch Back 2009 / Full Marathon 2010 / get a cute "running picture" like the rest of you! :0)
Blogger Screen Name: Kristyn

My name is Jenny and I am a mom to two boys ages 5 and 3, wife to a fab hubby for the past 11 years, and mom (not literally) to a 10 y.o. Collie (think Lassie) who is also one of my running partners. I currently stay home with the boys. My work background is in catalog marketing, and I plan on returning someday. My husband and I both grew up in southern Wisconsin. We have moved around some but are back in our home state, close to family and friends. I've been running on and off for the last 10 years. The first 8 of those years were not pretty but in 2007 I joined a running group and things got much better. I finished my first 10K last Thanksgiving and first 1/2 marathon in the spring. I have also done three duathlons and a sprint triathlon. I run for fitness, peace of mind and peace and quiet.
Distance: 10K
Song: Jump, Pointer Sisters
Dessert: angel food cake with a 7 minute frosting (eaten with my mom who loves it just as much as me).
Goal: Increase speed in year to year races
Name: Jenny

My name is Jamie and I am the mother of 4 boys ages 7, 5, 2, and 8 weeks. I played soccer all growing up and thought running was torture unless I was chasing a ball. I started running after I had my first baby because I wanted to get rid of the baby weight. I ran my first 5k when he was 1 and I was immediately addicted! The endorphins are such a rush and the running community is so nice and friendly! Running is a great way for me to get my "alone time" in order to stay sane. When my husband and I were training for the Philly Marathon last year, we would get a babysitter and use our long runs as a great date: no kids, no cell phones, just us.
I ran my first half-marathon before baby #3 and I ran the Philadelphia Marathon last November with my husband just before baby #4. Now I can't wait to get my running shoes on and get back on track. This blog is so motivating, I'm so excited to be a part of it!
Favorite Race: Half Marathon
Favorite Song to Run to: Another One Bites the Dust - Queen
Favorite Dessert- Baked goods are my weakness!
Current Goal- Double Creek Half Marathon- June 2009
Blogger Screenname- Jamie

My name is Frannie, I have two little kids, Michael who just turned 4 and Madeleine who is 2 1/2. I've been running consistently since February 2007. I say consistently because from 2000-2002 I ran a handful of 5ks, but that was my longest distance. Until I had kids and needed to run away for a bit, get out the energy and come back home refreshed and recharged.
I don't run with my kids, it's something I do to escape and recharge myself. I love that my 2 1/2 year old daughter will find an elastic headband in the house and say "Look, I running like Mommy" and run around the house.
I ran my first half marathon this past April, the Charlottesville Half and loved it. I then had a little lull from running (about 6 weeks) and needed a goal so I decided to sign up for the Marine Corps Marathon. I ran it this past Sunday. Next to learning how to be a good parent, it was the hardest thing I've EVER done and I can't wait to do it again.
I am a writer and have two blogs of my own. One is
http://onegreenmommy.blogspot.com and another is a family blog. I'm actually good friends with WorkoutMommy.com and she inspired me to train for my first half.
I'd love to contribute to your sites.
Favorite race distance: 10-miler & half mary
Favorite song to run to: "Stronger" by Kanye West and "Superwoman" by Alicia Keys
Favorite dessert: Anything chocolate
Current goal: Just finished first marathon and deciding what is next.
Blogger screen name: Frannie

Amanda S.: My name is Amanda and I love to run....oh let's clarify....I love how I feel after running. I have ran on and off since I was a young girl. Both my parents ran and raced at some point in time in their life. My favorite memories growing up include running in the Oregon forest with my Dad for hours. I have done a few races throughout my marriage to keep me on my competitive toes. (5k's, 10k, half marathons, and a marathon) I don't know that I have a favorite race...the ones that don't hurt! I do not run with an ipod and am not accustomed to music during my training. Part of the running experience that is so desirable is having quiet time to put my thoughts in order with clarity. I love most dessert, therefore I run, but I think cinnamon rolls are on the top of that long list. I am currently training for the Richmond, VA Marathon. I have convinced my husband to try a half marathon that same day. I am coming off of a injury that took me out for three months. Originally I wanted a ticket to Boston, but being realistic, 7 weeks of training will get me a finish without injury at best!!! I am a mother of seven children that I love. They have all had many jogging stroller hours behind their belts. When my third child was 4 weeks old, my husband Scott and I, ran with a double and a single jogger to train for a marathon...happy memories.
I am so excited to have found this site! I have ran on and off for years, but nothing ever really serious. I always said that I wanted to run a marathon someday and since I'm turning 30 in the next year, I decided I wanted to accomplish that goal before my 30th birthday. I'm training to do a marathon in January 2009. I am a mom to two boys, a four-year-old and a one-year-old. My husband is currently attending medical school, which means I'm essentially a single parent. This leaves me lots of time to go running, as long as I take the boys... luckily, they're pretty good,
usually. So far, the furthest we've gone is 13 miles, so we'll see how they hold up for the rest of the training. I'm originally from Oregon but now live in Arizona. I worked as a social worker for 6 years but now stay at home full time with my boys.
Favorite Race:Triathlons (does that count?)
Favorite Song(s) to run to: Les Miserables sound track (I know, random)
Favorite Dessert: Brownies, of course!
Current Goal: Marathon in January 2009
Blogger Screenname: meandtheboys

Alesi Taylor (Taylor Tribe)
I live in Southern Utah with my hubby & four kids ranging from 5yrs old-12 yrs old. I just got back into running in July after 2 years. I ran/walked my first marathon in 2006 in New Zealand. I have to say I was not mentally ready for it but i finished. So here I am preparing myself for the St George Marathon 09 and hoping that it will be a much more pleasant experience. Since July of this year I have run three 5k's and one 10k & am doing the Breast Cancer 10k run next week here in St George and the Snow Canyon half Marathon next month. I am excited to meet all you awesome mommies! Keep the positive vibe coming!!
Favorite race- 10k
Favorite song to run to- Too Cool by Megan Martin "Camp Rock"...go figure!
Favorite Dessert-peach cobbler
Current goal-Snow Canyon 1/2 & St George Marathon 09
Blogger Screenname- Taylor Tribe
Stacie Camou
I have been running for almost a year now, and I am addicted!! By the end of this year I will have done 19 registered runs all 5, 8 or 10k’s and I am steadily getting faster yay me! I am training for the Helvetia Half marathon next year and Hood to Coast as well. I have 3 young kids and my oldest, Tommy, has gained a love for running as well! I will be at the Portland Marathon 5 miler this weekend then Blue Lake and Run like Hell the following weekends!
Hi! My name is Susy. I have been running for the last 5 years. I have been married to my husband for the last 10 years. We have 2 kids Jonathan and Anna. I began running after the birth of my second child. I was living in Montana at the time and had a neighbor that was a huge runner. She encouraged me to train for my first half marathon. I fell in love with running and races and it just took off from there. I have now completed 3 marathons and 4 halfs and even participated in a relay race this summer across OR. I love all distance running. Running has taught me so many things about myself that I never knew before. I love being a mom but running gives me a much needed break. My kids are great sports about riding there bikes alongside us when we are doing long runs. I have many great memories of running with my sister along trails in Oregon. She knows all the best places to run. I love how you can run anywhere as long as you have your shoes with you : -) I have met so many great people at my races. During each of my marathons I met a buddy to run alongside and chat with. It makes the miles fly and is fun to have someone to share the experience with.
Favorite distance would be a full marathon. There is nothing like crossing the finish line and knowing what you just did! It is such a bittersweet moment.
Favorite Song: Lifeline
Favorite Dessert: anything chocolate
Current Goal : a marathon in the spring
my husband just agreed to train for a half with me this winter : )
Blogger name: Susy

Hello marathon mommies,
My name is Janice, I have two beautiful daughters and a hard working husband of 11 years. I have run 6 marathons and numerous half marathons and I am super excited about finding this blog. I have enjoyed running for several years, but after my first was born (7) some one made a comment to me that "If you can run 8 miles, then you can run a marathon". So I did, and I haven't stopped. I ran the Boston Marathon this year, but was not happy with my time due to a stomach bug. I ran my 6th marathon a month later, but took the summer off. I just recently moved from Utah to Kentucky, and I have been trying to get myself back into my running shoes and have signed up for a couple of marathons next spring. I feel that running has defined me as a mother, wife, sister, daughter and friend. I just recently started my own personnel blog so I can keep my family and friends back in Utah, updated with my running ramblings. Feel free to check it out.
Favorite race distance: marathon
Favorite song to run to: Pump it- Black Eyed Peas
Favorite dessert: anything with Chocolate
Current goal: re-qualify for Boston and improve my Boston time
Blogger screen name: Janice (run far)
Kristina MinaI've only started to enjoy running over the past few years. In fact, I once thought that running a mile was the most excruciating thing ever. Avoiding running at all costs, I invested in a mountain bike. I love to ride. I live in the Phoenix area so we have some great trails. Biking kind of sprang me into the awesome sport of Adventure Racing of which I am totally obsessed with. I have been married to my husband for 6 1/2 years and we have 3 beautiful babies 5,3 and 4 months. Since the birth of my 3rd I've been anxious to start running. I've decided to sign up for the PF Chang's marathon In Scottsdale AZ in January. I'm really nervous and could use all the support I can get!!
Favorite race distance: 10K
Favorite song to run to: clocks by coldplay, stronger by Kanye West, Red hot chili peppers and Linkin Park to name a few
Favorite dessert: chocolate milk
Current goal: PF Chang's Rock n' roll Marathon Jan. 18th, 2009
Blogger screen name: Kristina mina

I've had a love-hate relationship with running for about 10 years now. In the past it never seemed to "stick"--more to serve as a way to get fit and lose weight, followed by an impossible-to-maintain goal when the weather grew inclement (I love to run outside and can't survive for long when the treadmill is my main form of running). However, when I had my first baby 11 months ago, I decided that this was it: I would become a runner this time for REAL. I want my son and my husband to be proud of my strength and discipline! And I realized that I needed a regular outlet, a time and way to blow out the cobwebs and clear my thinking. So when my baby boy turned 5 months old, I began running again in earnest.
Six months later I find myself in a new and completely unfamiliar season in my running: I now listen to audiobooks and sermons and inspirational songs that aren't necessarily upbeat and "adrenalin pushing"; I run hills and on gravel roads and all by myself; I do intervals and fartleks and a long run every week--all things I never did before (if I could help it). Motherhood, I find, has turned me into a more contemplative, appreciative runner. I cherish the time alone like I never could before, and I push myself harder too because it benefits the people most important to me, not just me.
Note: One fairly unique element to my running life is that I live in a very remote area--smack-dab in the middle of nowhere, to be exact. My husband and I are the hospitality management team at a guest ranch way out in eastern Oregon, so I don't run with other people or even on paved roads very often. Don't get me wrong: I love living here, and I think the remoteness is actually helping me to fall more in love with running. When I fun I find myself increasingly more thankful to live in such a beautiful place; by the same token, living in the sticks helps me appreciate running as a way to explore different roads on this huge, beautiful ranch that I might not otherwise get to. It's a pretty terrific combination. Nonetheless, I sometimes feel a little isolated--which is why connecting with other runners via blogs like Marathon Mommies is so vital to my everyday mental status. I have to say that I love this age of connectedness we live in!
Favorite race distance: Trail half-marathon (so far)
Favorite song to run to: Currently loving C.S. Lewis's "Mere Christianity" (audiobook downloaded to my iPod)
Favorite dessert: Anything gooey, sticky, creamy, but not cloyingly sweet
Current goal: To run a half-marathon spring '09 (if I'm not pregnant)
Blogger screen name: None yet

Hi! My name is Sarai. I am 26 yrs old and I live in Salt Lake City. I have been running for about three and a half years. I also was one of those girls that thought running did not look like anything fun. Even wondered "Why do people do that to themselves?" I was never sporty, so needless to say running was never in my list of interests. Until we brought home Tank-man, our German Shepperd. Have you ever watched The Dog Whisperer? Well he's the one who got me started. I started walking my dog to drain some of that endless energy he seemed to have, then little by little started running. A few months into my new habit of running I got pregnant, so I had to take a break from running. Started running again just about when my baby turned 6 months. So now I had a couple of very enthusiastic running buddies who tagged along every morning. A few months later, six to be exact, and short after getting back to my pre-pregnancy weight, I was pregnant again! Took another little break, and voila! Now I have 3 little running buddies tagging along every morning! It wasn't until this spring of 2008 that I started training to run in a race, and it was then when running took a whole different meaning for me. It went from trying to loose the baby weight, to challenging my self to new best personal time and distance. I have not looked at the scales in weeks. Since then I have ran a 5K and two 10K's and I'm planning on running my first Half Marathon next Spring. I love running! It's where I can re-group and set my pace for the day- one to keep up with a brand new toddler and a preschooler. You all know what I mean! Anyway, I am a mommy and a runner.
Favorite race distance: 10K so far.
Favorite song to run to: I don't really have one, any recommendations?
Favorite dessert: cheese cake topped with strawberries!
Current goal: Half Marathon spring of 2009
Blogger screen name: Sarai

Hi there. My college roommate (Rebecca) and my sister (erinmalia) are
"marathon mommies" and I thought it would be fun to join in, too. I
started running in college after years of gymnastics and then
working-out at gyms (never running, mind you!). My roommates and
friends all decided to run a marathon the following fall, and so I
decided to give it a try, too. I loved it then and I love it
even more now. Being out in the cool, fresh air in the early mornings
is my life-saver and so I get out about 6 times a week and run.
Usually just small, 3-4 mile runs - but those miles can usually make
the difference in how much patience I'll exhibit towards my 3 littles
ones (4 1/2, almost 3, and 1). I've run 1 marathon and 2
half-marathons and a bunch of other fun races.
Nobody runs when and where I live - in the past 3 years of living here
I think I can count on one hand how many runners I have passed by. So
sad. But when my husband doesn't have work we'll sometimes do a big
family run - me with 1 kid in a stroller, DH with 2 kids in a double.
While I miss out on my mommy-only time, I treasure these runs, too. I
hope that running will always be a big part of my life.
Favorite race distance: 10k
Favorite song to run to: uh, Fiddler on the Roof soundtrack, currently (weird?)
Favorite dessert: hmmm, frozen yogurt or no-bake cookies
Current goal: perhaps the Moab 1/2 if I "win the lottery"
Blogger screen name: emilykiana

I started running in college about 12 years ago. Since then I have wanted to run a marathon but do to being preganant or my husbands crazy schedule I never had the time to train. This past January I decided that it was time, I was not pregnant, nursing and my husband was fianlly done with med school and residency allowing me the time to train. I decided that I would do the Salt Lake marathon. It was a good experience, I made my goal and qualified for Boston. I am currently training for the Top of Utah marathon on sept 20th.
I am 32 years old, have 3 kids and a wonderful husband. We live in Portland, Oregon. I know many other marathon mommies are in the area. I would love to get a group together to do runs and maybe organize our own small scale event. I love reading about other adventures, triumphs, and trials.
Favorite song to run to right now: Please don't stop the music-Rihanna
Favorite distance: 1/2 marathon, or marathon
Favorite dessert: McDonalds soft serve ice cream cone and milk chocolate
Current goal: Top of Utah marathon, requalify for Boston 2010
Blogger screen name: Stephanie

Endre Richards
No one ever looked at me and said, "That girl should be a runner" and no one will ever think of gazelles bounding gracefully across the... wherever they bound, when they see me finish a race, but...running and I have an understanding. Running will be there whenever I want him (he's a boy) and I promise to always come back, no matter how many times we break up. I promise to keep conquering hills and he promises to make my legs look pretty in high heels. It's a bit dysfunctional, but it works for us.
I believe in training partner confidentiality, (we should make that into some kind of law), starting every "running reconciliation" wherever you are not where you wish you were, and red Gatorade with ice at the end of every run (that greenish/yellowish stuff is just nasty.) I run to feel strong and finish what I start. (What choice do I have? Once you get out, you have to get back. Hmmm... I think there might be a lesson in that.)
Favorite Race Distance: 1/2 marathon (5K is the worst- it's over just as I can breathe again.)
Favorite Song to Run to (at the moment): Cheeseburger in Paradise (I have a thing about food when I run)
Favorite Dessert: Did someone say dessert? What are we having?
Current Goal: Newport Marathon (May 09)
Blogger Screen Name:
I've been running for 10 years, but just ramped it up past the 5K/8K distance last year (not counting the Aloha Run I did as a sophmore in high school) I joined Portland Fit and did my first half and full marathons in 2007. I'm now done with seven half marathons and am working toward my second (Portland) and third (Seattle) marathons on my own this fall.
My husband and 2½ year old b/g twins are my life, but running keeps me sane. Wyatt is a triathlete, which I think is great for understanding the need for training time. I also read, quilt, scrapbook and knit in my plethora of spare time. Oh, and I'm going to school for Accounting online.
Favorite race distance: Half Marathon
Favorite song to run to: My Hero by Foo Fighters
Favorite dessert: Chocolate!!!
Current goals: Increasing my speed, and working towards 25 half marathons in 25 states (And someday qualifying for Boston but that's a few years off)
Blogger screen name: Tryna

Hello! My name is Stacey. I live in the Salt Lake Valley, with my wonderful husband and 7 year old Ethan and 2 year old Isabelle.
I have been running for awhile and love the way it makes me feel. I have completed 8 marathons and will
be running numbers 9 and 10 in the next few weeks.
Favorite race distance: Marathon
Favorite song to run to: Viva la Vida by Coldplay
Favorite desert: Anything chocolate
Current goal: Top of Utah and St. George marathon
Blogger screen name: runnergirl

erin malia
I started running my last year of graduate school. More than five years later, I can't stop. I just became a mommy in March and am excited to get that boy in the jogging stroller, but am slightly afraid of running alone in my DC suburb. So for now, the treadmill will have to do. (Although, I admit that running while watching Project Runway is one of my favorite things to do.)
I haven't run a marathon, but I've done a couple of halfs (LOVE the Provo River half!), a few ten-milers, handful of 10Ks, some 8Ks (my fave), and a slew of 5Ks. I am currently training to run the Ragnar Relay here in DC (
http://www.ragnarrelay.com/dc/index.php) and am scared to death. But hopefully that t-shirt will look great in my race shirt quilt...making it all worth it, of course.
Favorite race distance: 8K
Favorite song to run to: ??? Honestly, no idea why this is that hard, but it is.
Favorite dessert: McDonald's ice cream cone or, when in Utah, Maverik cones
Current goal: Finish the Ragnar DC Relay (September 26-27)
Blogger screen name: erinmalia

My name is Ruthie and I never was much of a runner. I ran between babies while doing the Body for Life program but it was only sprints.. and only 20 mins at a time. As many moms do I gained weight with each pregnancy (I have 3 kids) .. trying to finally get in a shape and stay that way was my goal 2 years ago. I started a blog called "fantastically fit by 40" with my goal of being healthy in 2 years. I am now on the end of that journey and will turn 40 in a month! As a way to celebrate I decided to try a marathon. I hurt my shoulder a few months ago and had to stop lifting weights for a bit of time and so i told my doctor i would just take up distance running :) I trained for and ran a half marathon on July 4th.. by myself with my nike plus :) This gave me the courage to start training for the full race distance. For the last two years I have had it in my head "wouldnt it be just so cool to run a marathon on my 40th birthday!" ....... So... I am currently training to run the San Antonio Rock and Roll on November 16th. I am excited, scared and feel a lot of people think i have gone a bit nuts :) .. But running has become a joy to me.
I have a transformation video on my blog if you are interested .. I use to be ashamed of my before pictures.. but not any more! :) I love the new me!
I am thrilled to find this blog and cant wait to look at everyones entries and blogs!
Blessings! and
happy running!
Favorite race distance: 10k
Favorite song to run to: Switchfoot "This is Your Life"
Favorite dessert: Pineapples and frozen blueberries
Current goal: finish the San Antonio Rock and Roll on Nov 16th (under 5 hours would be SWEEET)
Blogger screen name: Ruthie
My name is Heather and I am a native Oregonian. I am a wife, a mother, a friend, a daughter, a sister, a sister-in-law, a health care professional, a Church goer, a wanna be tri-athlete, and a runner! I started running in High School to rid myself of boredom. Once I started, I never stopped! I think that after I graduated from college I ran to keep in shape. . .or to maintain my shape! Now, I run for my sanity and for some socialization and a place to vent. Running has been so addicting for me! I recently participated in my first Hood to Coast relay. It has been a while since I have done a distance race and it was. . .exhilarating! To be around other people who feel the same way I do about running was a huge motivation. I think that is why I have really enjoyed reading this blog. . .I am not alone! Having a goal to work towards, whether it is a 5K or a marathon changes the way I think and feel about running. Crossing the finish line of any race is such an empowering feeling! I can set a goal and I CAN accomplish it! I have run 5 marathons and just finished my 2nd sprint triathlon. My goal is that my 2 year old daughter will grow up thinking that running is a "normal" thing and to be healthy is important. So far she still likes the "stroller rides!" Her favorite it to get out and run along side me!
Favorite race distance: 10K and marathon
Favorite song to run to: I don't listen to music when I run, it is too distracting for me
Favorite dessert: Anything homemade OR anything chocolate
Current goal: 1/2 marathon, marathon
Blogger screen name: Heather W

I am the mom of 5 kids (ages 2-12). I have always run a little, and ran several 5ks', but this past year my little sister pushed me to train harder and run on a team in the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay. The Wasatch Back was the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done! Through training for Wasatch Back, I realized that I liked running the longer distances. I even ran a hole into my treadmill from running so much! Running is the best way for me to start my day and gives me the energy to deal with my kids and family. I just finished my first 1/2 marathon (Hobble Creek) and it was so much fun!!! I am jumping right back into training because I am running another 1/2 marathon in two weeks (Little Grand Canyon).
Favorite Race Distance- 1/2 marathon
Favorite Song (ok a little weird) Jesus Jones-Right Here Right Now
Favorite Desert Wendy's Frosty
Current Goal Finish 1/2 marathon's this year and train for marathon in 2009.
Blogger Screen Name Cal415

I am so excited to join this group! My name is Elizabeth, I am 27, and I live in Maryland (just outside of Washington DC) with my husband, 3-year-old daughter Emeline, and 1-year-old son Jarom. I am a pretty new runner- I was always one who thought running sounded totally awful... then I tried it! Almost a year ago I decided I just wanted to try running to build up some cardiovascular strength and shed a few leftover baby pounds- I decided that I would give it nine weeks, and at the end of a nine week program if I still hated it I would never run again. And here I am, totally addicted. Just can't get enough! I love the confidence it has given me, the time out by myself or with a good friend early in the mornings, the feeling that I can accomplish anything. I can truly say that running is changing my life! I'm excited to share stories and get tips from all you wonderful mommies here.
Favorite race distance: So far, 10K
Favorite song to run to: Beautiful Day by U2, Blessed by Martina McBride, Better Together by Jack Johnson
Favorite dessert: Angel Food Cake with fresh whipped cream and fresh chopped strawberries... YUM!
Current goal: Baltimore Half Marathon October 2008, Richmond Marathon November 2008
Blogger screen name: Liz

Josha (lolacoolj)
Hi! I've been running and jumping rope to lose body fat for about 3 years, but began getting interested in longer distances and running just because I love it only a few months ago. I'm 42 years old with 3 children who I homeschool because I also love that! My middle child has autism and we teach him at home using the son-rise approach. These things consume the majority of my time...homeschooling, my special needs child's program, running, repeat. I try to fit my terrific husband of 19 years into all the above, but the running hasn't stuck with him YET! We live in the beautiful mountains of Colorado with our two dogs and a bunny. I run with my NIKE+ which I love because we live far from very many race sites, so I love that I can join races virtually. I am scheduled to run my first race EVER, "The Human Race 10K," with my nike+ on August 31. Then, I run a half on October 19!
www.mymodbod.blogspot.comfavorite race distance: TBD
Favorite song to run to: Here it goes again, by OKGO
Favorite dessert: strawberry shortcake
Current Goal: finish a 10K this month; finish a half marathon in October
screen name: lolacoolj

Hi fellow runners. My names is Kristin, I am a stay-at-home mom of two toddlers, ages 3 and 5, and do I love to run. I have been running all my life, competed in college and I am currently aiming to qualify for Boston this fall. My last marathon was in 2001 before kids and I am finding that finding the time to train is much more difficult when there are kids involved. However, I am doing it and it is making me realize, once again, that I am not only a mom but also an athlete. Happy Running!!!!!
Favorite race distance: half marathon, marathon
Favorite song to run to: 'Another one Bites the Dust' by Queen
Favorite dessert: Brownies with lots or chocolate frosting!!!!
Current goal: Qualify for Boston Marathon 09'
Blogger screen name: KeeKee
Melodee (Twenty6point2) - I began running just before I was married, about 12 years ago. I had a goal to get in better shape and that's pretty much where my goal ended - so I thought. I couldn't give it up. Little did I know that I would be running still. It was more of a means to an end at the time, but it grew into much more than that over the years. Even though I've been running for awhile, it was about 4 years ago that I started to really find my running self and ran my first marathon, Sioux City Lewis and Clark Marathon.
My husband and 4 children are part of my fan club. They're a great support! Couldn't do it w/out their cooperation. I've struggled this last year and half from injuries due to an auto accident and am anxiously awaiting full recovery. I've never stopped running through it all I'm optimistic I'll be able to make great progress this running season!
Favorite race distance: 1/2 marathon, marathon
Favorite song to run to: Whitelines - Future Retro, Grandmaster & Melle Mel
Favorite dessert: Chocolate Wave Cake, Red Lobster
Current goal: Boston
Blogger screename: Twenty6point2
The Roberts Family: I just want to introduce myself and say hi. I have been reading/following your blog and I love it. You ladies are such a good read and excellent inspiration. My name is Keri Roberts. I am 27, mother of one (Owen-he will be 2 yrs old next month), wife to Chris (4.5 yrs) and we live in sunny Jacksonville, FL. I love love love to run. I also love Ebay, going to the beach, blogs and my Blackberry:) I have done many 5K's, a few 10K's and I am now stepping it up a notch because I have 3 half marathons on my calendar (October, Dec and Jan).
Favorite race distance: 10K
Favorite song to run to: Run Away by Real Mcoy (oldie but goodie!)
Favorite dessert: cupcakes
Current goal: 3 half marathons by the end of January
Blogger screen name: http://owencroberts.blogspot.com/
I was never a runner. I decided to sign up for the Derby Festival miniMarathon (which happened to fall on my 30th birthday this year) to lose my baby weight after the birth of my second daughter (Jan. 7). I was so disgusted with myself for keeping it all on after the first baby. I had fallen into bad eating habits and had no exercise routine at all! I enlisted my best friend and my sister-in-law as training partners, and we started Hal Higdon's novice schedule when I was four weeks postpartum. My goal was to run the whole thing and to finish. Twelve weeks, forty-five pounds, and 3:30:11 later I DID IT! I have completed a 10K and two 5Ks since and am currently training for another mini in five weeks. I am officially addicted and so glad that I decided to do this for myself and to set an example for my daughters.
Favorite race distance: 10K
Favorite song to run to: I don't listen to music while I run, though I'd like to get a good iPod and start!
Favorite dessert: 3-way tie: McDonald's caramel sundae, DQ cookie dough blizzard, or strawberry cheesecake ice cream in a waffle cone
Current goal: Spirit of Columbus Half (August 31) in under 2:45
Blogger screen name: ForMyDaughters

Hello! I have been reading this site for months and would love to be a part of it.
My name is Michelle, 28 years old. I live in Salt Lake City, with my wonderful husband and 6 year old Sydnee and 2 year old Isaac. I have always loved the challenge of running, but needed it for fitness after my kids were born. I came to the pasta party before the SLC marathon in April and caught a serious running bug! I have now completed 3 5ks, 2 10ks, and have 2 10ks and a 1/2 marathon on my schedule. Thank you for all the tips, inspiration, and insights!
Favorite race distance: 10k so far
Favorite song to run to: Pump It -Black Eyed Peas
Favorite dessert: anything chocolate
Current goal: Santa Clarita 1/2 marathon in November
Blogger screen name: Shelly

Hi! My name is Jennifer McGuire and I am a Des Moines, IA resident. I found this blog from another mom who is training for a marathon like myself....ahem...first race EVER to train for. I was originally signed up to do NIKE in October but due to a scheduling conflict I am Des Moines Marathon bound...but still excited. I have a 11 month old son, Isaac. We have lived in Des Moines for 1.5 years and I got involved with TNT/The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for several reasons, 1) Winter stunk this past year and I felt like I needed a way OUT of the house and into something that would help me not go insane as a stay at home mom and 2) I wanted to get into 'shape' and 3) my husband has done triathlons and I wanted something to "call my own" as well. So far I have overcome really painful achilles tendonitis, complete my first ever 10 mile "long run" and met some really awesome people!
Favorite Race Distance: Ask me again after Oct 19th and the Des Moines Marathon!
Favorite Song to Run to: I don't own an iPod yet but if I did I would have Kenny Chesney playing all the time!
Favorite Dessert: Grandma's Chocolate Pie or any cookie, preferably snickerdoodle
Current Goal: Survive a marathon!
Blogger screenname:jenlaser2015
My name is Marci Holley and I live in Bartlesville, OK with my husband, Jeff, and four children Kayla (10), Camryn (9), Clayton (5) and Cooper (2). I have been a stay at home mom my whole married life and am currently homeschooling my 3 oldest children. I have always enjoyed running and have pushed a double jogger many, many miles over the past 8 years. I have always just ran for fun and fitness, but have always thought about someday wanting to run some races. I have never officially ran a race- - -other than cross country in high school. Favorite Race Distance: Hard to say since I haven’t been “racing”, but my guess would be a 10K.
Favorite Song to Run to: Run by Lecrae
Favorite Dessert: Crème Brulee
Current Goal: Chicago Marathon 26.2 and raising $7800 for LLS
Blogger Screen Name: Marci
M&M (M&M stands for Marathon Mommy, her original username.) Kelly is a fun-loving mommy of 3 kids. She has always been pretty active but didn't discover her passion for running until she had her first baby 6 years ago. She loves the time to herself and the socializing with other moms (including Suzie Petunia, Smith, FoxontheRun and many others!)! It is definitely a stress reliever and gives her energy to keep up with the kids. She is also studying to be a personal trainer. She loves to water ski and running helps her stay in shape for that love!
Favorite race distance: 10k
Favorite song to run to: Stronger by Britney Spears
Favorite dessert: Oreo Milkshake or Cookies and Cream Ice Cream
Current Goal: Qualify for Boston, and to have fun running :-)
Suzie Petunia is a mother of 4 and has been running since junior high. She runs to stay fit and to have something to talk about other than her adventures in potty training. She has run 4 marathons and several 1/2 marathons.
Favorite race distance: 1/2 marathon (Provo River Trail 1/2 in August is her favorite!)
Favorite song to run to: Lets Get it Started by The Black Eyed Peas
Favorite dessert: Chocolate Fudge Cake with nuts, vanilla ice cream and whipped cream
Current Goal: St. George Marathon '08

Poky Girl is the mother of 3 children- 2 boys and a girl. She is a Utah State University graduate with a degree in Elementary Education. She is a stay at home mom. She ran her first marathon in 2007.

JP is a mother of two and a new runner on the block. Former (self-proclaimed) hater of running, she accidentally started loving it while participating in a half marathon that raised money for blood cancers. She won't start listing the number of marathons completed (half or otherwise) until she has done more than one.

FoxOnTheRun is the mother of 5 loud children ranging in ages from preschool to high school. She runs to stay fit and loves to get out with the other mommies. She ran her first marathon in October 2007 and just ran Boston in April 2008.

Team Hanni is a mommy of 3 who started running last winter after a neighbor had "heard" she had always wanted to run a race. After miraculously finishing that first half marathon she was addicted to running! She has run 4 half marathons, a marathon relay, and a few 5 and 10Ks.
Favorite race distance: Half Marathon
Favorite song to run to: It changes all the time! "Titans Spirit" from Remember the Titans (She has envisioned herself finishing her first marathon to this song.)
Favorite dessert: Lemon Meringue Pie (minus the meringue)
Current Goal: She is currently pregnant and trying to get well and run again. She just ran the 5K at the SLC marathon with her kids and family.

Chelle is the mother of 4 and has been running for 13 years. Her top 3 reasons for running are #1 She loves the emotional, physical and spiritual effects in her life. #2 She loves the example she is setting for her kiddos. And #3 - She loves chocolate... running compensates for that.
Favorite Distance: Marathon, but the half fits better in her busy life.
Favorite Running Song: The Distance
Favorite Dessert: Chocolate -- if it is chocolate she is happy.
Current Goal: Salt Lake Marathon -- Sub four hours, baby!
Kristi is a "non-runner" who finished her 1st marathon after 7 months of training this year. She runs with a large double jogger holding two of her three cute girls. She gets goosebumps when she runs, and pretends she is crossing the finish line while training. She is a believer that anyone can run!
Favorite race distance: I have only done a marathon and quite liked it and hope to do another.
Favorite song to run to: Coming Home by Jason Deere
Favorite dessert: I do not discriminate when it comes to dessert and love them all the same.
Current Goal: To do another marathon this year in October
Ang is a mommy of 2. She ran her first 10K in March of 07' and running/racing has been an obsession ever since. She has completed a marathon, two 1/2 marathons, and several 5 and 10k's. She loves running because it gives her time to think, a sense of accomplishment, and mostly because she doesn't want to diet. EVER!
Favorite race: half marathon
Favorite running song: Misery Business by Paramore
Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Molten Cake from Chilis
Next Goal: St. George Marathon 2009
Polliwog is a competitive sports-lover-turned-runner and a mother of two young daughters. She picked up casual running while living in Michigan and has since progressed to run three 5K's, one 10K, one half, and one full marathon. She is expecting baby girl #3, due August 8th and due to pregnancy-related health concerns hasn't run since the first trimester. She moved cross-country to California last summer so at least she won't have brutal winters to fight once the running picks back up!
Favorite race distance: all I know is it's NOT the 5K--I've loved all the other distances I've done (10K, half and full marathons)
Favorite song to run to: Wah-oh by Sunfall Festival or Run by Ben Kweller
Favorite dessert: dessert ravioli at Macaroni Grill
Current goal: to make it through this pregnancy without going insane or gaining an absurd amount of weight and to pick up running again at 4 weeks post partum. Long-range, I hope to run either the SLC or Ogden marathon in 2009!

AnnieI'm a life time runner in the business of packing in some more marathons. My first marathon was St. George in 2001. I ran the Country Music Marathon after my first baby and since then made a vow to myself that I would get in at least one marathon between each child. I have since had my second child and so I'm in that window where I need to get my next marathon in or else I might break that promise to myself. I'm training in Mesa, AZ and Seoul, Korea this year.
Favorite race distance: 1/2 marathon for sure!
Favorite song to run to: Anything Britney Spear or Ashley Simpson...embarrassing I know but it's the only thing that gets me going faster.
Favorite dessert: Um let's see...anything dessert is my favorite!
Current goal: Death Valley, CA Marathon in under 4 hours, December 2008
seanandjess works full-time and has one boy. She started doing Triathlons in '07. She has done one 15k race and is doing her first half-marathon next year. She enjoys running because it gives her time for herself to release stress and allows her to eat more ice-cream!
Erin Erin is a mom of two who started running after her second was born. Because of the amazing friendships and fun/funny moments she has experienced over the last 6 years of running, she intends to run forever. She owns her ownbusiness (www.theribbonspot.com) which keeps her and the people around her busy around the clock. Dallas has been her home for the last 5 years. She runs with a group in the wee hours of the morning. She ran her first 10K in 2006, and has run a total of 4 10K's, 8 half marathons, 1 20K, 2 3Day Walks, 2 Full Marathons, 2 sprint Triathlons and 1 Ragnar Relay Race!
Favorite distance: Ragnar Relays!!!! Absolutely the best
Favorite song to run to: Remember the Name by Fort Minor and Gotta be Somebody by Nickleback
Favorite Dessert: Chocolate mousse cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory
Current Goal: November 16 San Antonio Rock 'n' Roll Half... December 14 Whiterock Half ... January 10th and 11th the Disney World GoofyChallenge (a half Saturday and a full Sunday) ... March 8 Disney Princess Half Marathon ... April 18 Salt Lake City Marathon ... April 26 PlayTri International Triathlon ... June 19-20 Ragnar Wasatch Back ... September 19 Tour des Fleur 20K ... Ragnar Texas October 2009 ...

I am a 30 year old mother of two boys and a girl on the way. I am an average runner who started during college in order to clear my head. I now run as a mother, mainly for mental clarity, social time with friends, and sanity. I have participated in many 5K, 10K, 15K, and half marathon races. But nothing compared to my first marathon last May (Ogden) - It rocked! I am now looking forward to running another marathon once I get through pregnancy.
Favorite race distance: Toss up between the Half Marathon and the Full (I love them both for different reasons)
Favorite song to run to: I love to Rock out! Deftones, Tool, White zombie
Favorite dessert: If it has sugar, I eat it!
Current Goal: Running through pregnancy and hopefully ready for a Half Marathon by November

Lyndsay ran in high school but stopped when she went to college. After getting married and having two babies (now 2 and 1 years old) she decided to start running again. Running is "her thing" - the one that keeps her sane and gives her a goal to reach. She is training for the SaltLake half marathon. She has run a few 5 k races but is ready for the challenge of the longer distance.
Favorite race distance: hopefully half marathon
Favorite song to run to: anything on my i-pod
Favorite dessert: oh i don't think i can narrow it down
Current goal: slc half marathon
lisamarieAlthough lisamarie has gone through running phases in her life (7 miles was the record), this is the first time she's ever signed up for an actual race. She is a mom of 2 and works full-time out of her home. The only time to run is early in the morning, which makes it interesting. Achieving her goal this summer will be one of her proudest accomplishments in life - and hopefully the first of many (if she survives). Favorite race distance: Any I can finish
Favorite race distance: Any I can finish
Favorite song to run to: "No Cars Go" by Arcade Fire always gets me started - "Pump It" reminds me to make sure I have fun doing it.
Favorite dessert: homemade chocolate cake with chocolate frosting
Current goal: Bryce Canyon half marathon, July 19th

Charity is a Mom to 3 kids and has been running competitively since she was 10. She had some health issues in high school and college that necessitated a bone transplant that put her running on hold for a while. As soon as she recovered, Charity was hit by a car while training for the Dublin, Ireland marathon. She broke both bones in her leg, shattered her ankle, separated her shoulder, bruised all her ribs and had some nice road rash! Interestingly enough, her nalgene bottle survived with not more than a scratch! Chairty was in a cast for almost a year because of that...Thankfully, she has been accident free for a couple of years now and only has some minor long term problems from all those accidents. She recently coached a community track team as well as the middle school distance team. She runs to give herself a break ... and so she can choose the music! She is currently training for the Mayor's Marathon Relay on June 21st, and is planning on doing a relay with her husband, father in law, and sister in law. She is also hoping to complete the Salmon run half marathon in Cordova, Alaska the first weekend in July.
Favorite Distance: A toss up between a 5K and a half...I know....big jump....
Favorite Song to Run to: "We are the Champions.." I too, like Kristi like to pretend I am the champion!
Favorite Dessert: Apple Pie with Vanilla Ice cream
Current Goal: Mayors Marathon, Anchorage Alaska, Salmon Run 1/2 Marathon, Cordova Alaska

Christine lives with her husband and daughter in Michigan, and although it is still very frozen, they enjoy it. She has been running for the past ten years. When she found out she was pregnant with her first child, she was determined to keep running. It worked! She ran through her first pregnancy and is currently running through her second. She'll be running the Salt Lake City Half Marathon in April '08.
Favorite Distance: marathon.
Favorite Song to Run to: She doesn't have a favorite... just anything quick!
Favorite Dessert: The jury is still out... she hasn't tried them all...
Current Goal: Salt Lake City Half Marathon

Anne thinks she is a runner wannabe! She has 4 kids: 2 girls and 2 boys. She thinks being a mom is great, and feels so lucky to have her 4! After her 3rd she started running. She has run 1-5k, 1-10k, 3-1/2 marathons, the wasatch back and(SO FUN!), and has signed up to do the Salt Lake Marathon. She loves running in the early morning hours to her tunes. It is HER time!
Favorite race distance: 1/2 marathon
Favorite song to run to: Anything that gets my feet moving and makes me sing out loud! I have several running mixes, it is ALL about variety for me!
Favorite dessert: Angel food cake with strawberries and cool whip
Current goal: To finish the salt lake marathon! Pray for me!
Stacy Chan has four amazing children...three boys and a girl. "Why are you going running again Mommy?" is a question frequently asked in her house to which Daddy responds, "So she'll be a nice Mommy!" She ran the Newport, OR marathon three years ago before her third was born. Stacy is a pilates instructor and personal trainer and knows that pilates has made her a stronger runner! It gives her hope to find other women out there juggling the demands of motherhood and marathoning!
Favorite distance: 1/2 marathon
Favorite song to run to: Girlfriend!
Favorite dessert: German Chocolate cake
Current goal: St. George Marathon

Laurene is a mother of 3 (2 girls and a boy). She ran her first ½ marathon in Salt Lake, and will be running her first marathon in Lethbridge, Alberta, at the end of May. Laurene has wanted to run a marathon since she was a little girl and used to watch the races on television. She is doing it this year in celebration of her 40th birthday-April 29. She wishes she had done it earlier in her life when her bones didn’t creak and her speed was a little faster!
Favorite race distance: I am hoping it will be the full marathon.
Favorite music to run to: Celine Dion, Josh Groban, and Bocelli It helps me relax and feel good about life and myself.
Favorite dessert: Salt! Like salt and vinegar potato chips, then fudge.
Current goal: use my 40th year to break out of my comfort zone and “just do it”

Hannah started to run in the fall of 2007 with her two little girls in tow. Never a runner before, this has been a totally new experience for her that she doesn't plan on giving up any time soon. She has run one 5k and can't wait for the SLC 1/2 in April.
Favorite race distance:10k so far
Favorite song to run to: anything I can sing to
Favorite dessert: homemade chocolate chip cookies and milk
Current Goal: SLC 1/2

Megan (Maggs) has been running since 2007. She used to dread running. Now she is the mother of two - her daughter is 7 and her son is 3. She started running after she had a miscarriage in the summer of 2007 because she hated the way she felt about her body and wanted to finally do something about it. She lost 35 pounds and gained a new hobby... RUNNING! She loves how it makes her feel. She ran her first race in March 2008. It was a 10K and she did much better than she expected. She is now preparing for the Salt Lake half marathon and she's nervous about it. She is excited to meet other moms that love to run. It has been the best source of stress relief for her in the past year. She feels that she finally found a way to cope in a healthy way.
Favorite song to run to: Clumsy by Fergie and Whatever it Takes by Lifehouse. I really love to run to anything that has a beat!
Favorite dessert: cheesecake or homemade cookies. I cannot resist them…so I do not keep them in the house!
Current goal: SLC half marathon

Megan lives in the Salt Lake Valley. She ran cross country and track in high school and then pretty much quit while in college. She picked it up again after her first daughter was born. She has run the Hood to Coast Relay twice (2004 and 2005). She has run several small town 5K races and most recently ran the Salt Lake 5K on April 19, 2008. She is also running the Wasatch Back Relay in June, and the Day of '47 10K. Her current goal is to run a half marathon in the end of August - the Mesa Falls Marathon/half. She has three daughters, ages 6, 4 and 10 months.
Sharla has been running since high school and did her first marathon during her freshmen year of college. She has completed 5 St. George, one Los Angeles, and one New York City-marathons, and numerous half marathons and 10K's and 5K's. She ran all these BEFORE having children. Running after having children, is quite different and has proved to be quite a challenge for her. She taught school for about 10 years. She now stays home with her two little boys who are 2 1/2, and 8 months old. Her running inspiration is definitely her Grandma Julie, who has done over 100 marathons. Finding it difficult to fit "exercise" in and get everything done in a day has proven to be a challenge. So she joined these marathon mommies in hopes of inspiration and motivation! She currently lives in Henderson, Nevada.
Favorite distance: half marathon
Favorite song: California Dreamin' (Tek-House version) by Royal Gigolos, CD-Ultra i-Dance 01 or any version of California Dreamin' by anyone!
Favorite dessert: you mean people actually have a favorite?
Current Goal: to run a half or full marathon while losing my "baby weight", and before getting pregnant again!

The Foster Bunch (She is the one in the pink Mickey Mouse shirt!) is a mom of two and has really gotten into running over the past 3 years. She began running with some ladies in her area, and it has become one of her favorite things to do. They are currently training for a marathon relay, and Brittany is also training for her first half marathon. She enjoys running to stay in shape, and it has become a great bonding experience for her and her children. They love to go running with mommy. She has participated in some 5K runs, and is looking forward to some other races this summer.
Favorite race distance: Hopefully 1/2 marathon - I am very excited for my first one.
Favorite song to run to: Devil went Down to Georgia
Favorite dessert: Anything with chocolate in it.
Current Goal: Marathon Relay & Half Marathon

Courtney is a stay at home mom of two girls and a boy. She has been running since junior high. Her first marathon was the Mount Desert Island Marathon. She ran it on her own, on the Saturday before the official race because she doesn't run on Sundays. The race directors were very kind in listing her among the finishers and getting that medal was sweet. There was even an article in the paper! A week later she found out she was pregnant with her son (currently 10 months old). She has been trying (not very successfully) to get back in marathon shape since he was born and is looking forward to the Green Mountain Marathon in October. She lives in Maine where the winters are long but the summers are not too hot and there are running trails galore. She usually sticks the kids in front of the TV and runs on the treadmill in the basement.
Favorite race distance: 1/2 marathon
Favorite song to run to: Pump it, by the Black Eyed Peas, but I normally like to run to audio books. My favorite being Harry Potter
Favorite dessert: Breyers Strawberry Ice Cream
Current Goal: Too look as good as I did when this picture was taken, to get fast again and to qualify for boston.

I am a 31 year-old mother of three who has been running for the past 4 years. I've completed races at the 5K, 10K, and half marathon distances, and I'm running my first marathon on May 24th, 2008. I run so I can eat ice cream, stay sane, and to combat the bad Michigan weather. Luckily I'm moving to Oregon in July, home of many other Marathon Mommies, a good running culture, and Tillamook cheese and ice cream. So far I think I like the half marathon distance best, since I'm not made for speed. I love to run to Kelly Clarkson, "The Distance" by Cake, and most other upbeat songs. I also listen to NPR. My favorite dessert is ice cream, with anything dark chocolate as a very close second. My current goal is to finish my marathon. I'd like to get around 4:15, but I won't be upset if I don't. After that, I'm going to go for some speed training and toning, and then plan on running some shorter races in the fall.

Kristen: I'm a mom of one very active little 2 year old boy, Jonas! I'm the girl who says that I'm training for that half marathon that's 5 months away and haven't even gotten 5 miles down in one week since I started training.... which was 2 months ago. So here I am, committing to everyone here that I am now going to start my real training for this, and can hopefully show all my family at Disney World in the Disney Princess Half next March that this running and training, and let's not forget money spent on races, I'm doing, sometimes even at the crack of dawn, is not getting wasted. I'm definitely that non-runner type- played much tennis in high school and didn't quite get past graduation with any "real" running in my blood. The occasional mile run on the track is all that I can recall. I started to run at the beginning of this year from a run on a treadmill at 24 Hr- I was boppin' along to my tunes and didn't realize that I had finished 2 miles in a little under 30 minutes- which I now recognize is some kind of freak for me. But nonetheless, it was a very rejuvenating run! SO, my current schedule for THIS year includes a couple 5K's, a 20K, and a couple Half's before the grand Princess Half to show my family up. With much inspiration from all of you other Marathon Mommies, I'm hoping that this will be a breeze for me.
Favorite Distance: hopefully it's the Half Marathon
Favorite Song To Run To: Girlfriend (Clean) by: Avril Lavigne & Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by: Daft Punk.... these'll get you goin'!
Favorite Dessert: Girl Scouts' Samoas. Definitely have eaten a whole box in one sitting... AND found a way to make them myself. Yeah, let's just say ADDICTED.
Current Goal: my first Half, which is in August.
Favorite race distance:Half Marathon
Favorite song to run to: 'Stronger' Kanye West
Favorite dessert: crem brulee, any ice cream
Current Goal: To (re) run the Chicago Marathon. Im currently 6 months pregnant with my third son and can not wait to run the Chicago again. Esp. after last years disappointing heat a thon, I was fortunate enough to finish but with a time an hour off my goal time.
LindsayI have been married for 2 years and have a 1 year old little boy-Izaiah. I graduated last year from Utah State University in Social Work and FCHD. I love being outdoors with my family. I also love playing volleyball and play with with friends any chance I get.
Favorite song to run to: Worlds Greatest-R Kelly, I believe-Fantasia or Feedback-Janet Jackson
Favorite dessert: Oatmeal Carmalittas or Ice Cream.
Current Goal: Bear Lake, Utah Half Marathon June 14th and cant wait.
Staci R.I am a stay at home mom. I have a 4 yearr old boy and a 2 yearr old girl and live happily with my amazing husband :)
Favorite Song: 'Eye of the Tiger'
Favorite Distance: 13.1 miles :)
Favorite Dessert: I love ice-cream!
Current Goal: Saturday May 17th - The Great Potato Run in Boise ID (1/2 marathon)
I live in the Salt Lake area. I am a full-time working mommy with 2 little girls. I started running in Feb 2007 when I decided I was FED-UP with being overweight and out of shape. I started by doing the
coolrunning.com program: couch to 5k in 9 weeks. I ran my first 5k at the end of the program and I've never looked back. Shortly after, I put in for the Saint George Marathon, and actually got in! I spent all summer training for St George - not only did I finish, but I gained a love of running somewhere along the way. I hope that I never stop. I'm not fast, but I love it.
Favorite race distance: 1/2 marathon - its long enough to challenge me
Favorite song to run to: Going the Distance by Cake
Favorite dessert: pie
Current Goal: training for Top of Utah Marathon in September 2008
AngelI thought I hated running since it was always used as a punishment in P.E. and sports. Then a friend of mine inspired me to run the St. George Marathon in 2006. I trained for about 5 months and completed the race, loved it, and now openly admit I'm ADDICTED!
I recently completed the SLC 1/2. Currently registered for the St. George marathon for Oct. 2008. I have 3 boys, ages 4, 3 and 11 months. I run to keep up with my boys!
Favorite Race Distance: Full Marathon
Favorite Song to Run to: Celine Dion's "I'm Alive" (The remix version)
Favorite Dessert: brownies and ice cream
Current Goal: To run the St. George Marathon at a 10 min. mile pace.

Alicia is a mother of 2- a boy and a baby girl. She is new to running and does not consider herself very athletic. She is becoming addicted to running and loves it! She loves the sense of accomplishment, the self-introspection, and the runner's high that running gives. Plus, she likes to eat- enough said. Marathon Mommies has motivated her to run her first marathon. She has only run a few 5Ks but is signed up to run the Provo Freedom Run 10K, the Hobble Creek 1/2 Marathon, and the St. George '08 Marathon with her husband. She hopes she accomplishes what she originally thought was impossible- a marathon!
Favorite race distance: Hopefully a 1/2 Marathon
Favorite song to run to: Don't know yet- haven't used the IPOD much
Favorite dessert: Anything with chocolate, especially chocolate mint
Current goal: Several races that are gearing me up for the ultimate St. George Marathon
Blogger screen name: Alicia

Marianne (bloxbunch)
I've never been a runner. I've always had bad knees. I finally decided I needed to set some goals for myself that I always in the past thought were impossible, so here I am. I've had my kids running a few 1 mile races we've had around town, trying to do it as a family. In December 2007 I did my first 5k at the spure of the moment. I signed up for the mile and decided to be a little crazy :) anyhow I was so happy. I'm now going for a 10 k and then next is my goal of the 1/2 marathon. I'm a stay at home mom & have 4 kids: Boy 10, girl 8, girl 4, girl 1 1/2. I find this sight just amazing and inspiring. I love it!!!
Favorite race distance: so far just a 5k just a beginner
Favorite song to run to: paralyzer -- good beat
Favorite dessert: swedish fish
Current goal:1/2 marathon
Blogger screen name: bloxbunch
Nikkei is a mother of three children (one son, two daughters, and another son to be delivered this fall). Her first and only marathon to date is the St. George in 2007. If her name hadn't been drawn in the lottery, she may never have started running; she would probably have just kept thinking about it instead. Since she knew many other runners were disappointed that they didn't get drawn, she forged ahead and began to train. A race date is great motivation for her to do the daily runs. She loves the running, but finding time away from the family sometimes seems like an insurmountable challenge...much harder than 26.2 miles.
Favorite race distance: Her
least favorite is the 5K--she usually feels horrible for the first three miles. She loves miles 4 through about 20. So, by default, the 1/2 marathon is her favorite distance.
Favorite song to run to: She doesn't listen to music while she runs.
Favorite dessert: Ice cream, always.
Current goal: To have a healthy baby early this fall and then to run a sub-4 marathon next spring (probably the Ogden 2009) in preparation to
hopefully qualify for the
Blogger screen name: NikkeiOther info:
my family blogMySpace account
NicoleI love to run! I'm a stay at home mom (38) of five children from the ages of 4 to 12, and running has kept me sane!
When the kids are driving me crazy, or when I feel frustrated running gives me peace of mind.
I discovered running after the birth of my fourth child. The woman who came to help with the baby told me she ran, and how it gave her a feeling of serenity. That was what got my attention! Until then I thought runners were very strange people.
I blog about the connection between running and mothering at my blog
I have been running for about 7 years. Running has always been a challenge for me and I have never been a fast runner, but I love the sense of achievement I get from it. I have done 2 marathons (Cincinnati Flying Pig 2003 & Chicago 2004), a few half marathons, 2 triathalons, and lots of 5/10ks. I ran up until the day I had my daughter and I am 39 wks pregnant now and still running. I just did the Flying Pig Half Marathon at 37 weeks pregnant (walking the majority)!
Favorite Race Distance: 5k
Favorite Song to Run to: Anything on my ipod
Favorite Dessert: Cheesecake or ice cream
Current Goal: To find time to run with a new baby and a two year old!
Lorina - I am a stay at home mom of 2 children.. a little boy and little girl. I began running to lose all my excess baby weight. And fell completely in love with it. I am still only a beginner but my goal is to run a 1/2 marathon sometime soon. I am in love with Yoga and cheesecake.. my weakness is Coca-Cola and my children and hubby are my life. I am also a cycling mommy with a Chariot trailer I use for biking and jogging with my kids. I hope to cycle in a race too.
I want to be a good example to my children in fitness and health.. and for myself too. Life is too short to give up so easy.
Favorite race distance: 5K.. I can actually run it!! haha
Favorite song to run to: Unwritten..by Natasha Beddingfield, inspirational with a beat.
Favorite dessert: Cheesecake! I make an amazing cheesecake from scratch!
Current goal: 1/2 Marathon.. Salt Lake City or Las Vegas
Blogger screen name: Elle..OR Lorina
MandyMy name is Mandy Cheney and I run. It's my passion in life. It's my sanity. I'm 30 years old and I have 2 kids that train with me in the double jogger. They are the ones that motivate me to run. I started running 4 years ago and since then I've run the St. George Marathon 2007 and the SLC 1/2 marathon 2008 and smaller races around the the community. I am in training for the Wasatch Back in June (this will be my 2nd year) and the San Francisco Women's Marathon October 2008. I love all races. I'd love to run a marathon a year (except for the pregnant years.)
Favorite race distance: Marathon. Only done one, but can't wait to do it again this year.
Favorite song to run to: Eminem: Lose yourself (edited version)
Favorite dessert: cookies
Current goal: Marathon time 4:30

Lil’ Runner is a mother of four (two boys and two girls) who started running in 2003. She initially ran to get fit, have some quiet solitude, and out of a curiosity of those around the neighborhood who were running marathons. It seemed an impossible feat. She ran her first marathon a year later (St. George 2004). She has run three St. George marathons, one Salt Lake marathon, and most recently ran Ogden Marathon (May 2008).
Her husband also started running around the same time. Races have been a wonderful family building experience. Her husband has run 14 marathons, qualified for Boston last year and ran Boston in April 2008. Their kids have also enjoyed supporting Mom and Dad at races, as well as running some kids races themselves. One son even ran his first 5k last summer and is looking forward to running it again this year.
Favorite race distance: Half-marathon is definitely more fun, but nothing beats the satisfaction of crossing the finish line of the full marathon!
Favorite song to run to: Too many to list
Favorite dessert: Reeses peanut butter cup shake
Current goal: Sub-4 hour marathon.
Long-term goal: Run Boston Qualifying time of 3:45 and go run Boston.
Joyof3boys - This July will mark two years of running for me. I started run/walking and just went from there. Five months after I started running there was an ad to train and run a full or half marathon with the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Team In Training in our local running store email newsletter. First I had to see how many miles were in a half and when I found out it was 13.1 I knew I could do that. Fast forward and here I am exactly one week away from my first marathon! The San Diego Rock and Roll Marathon.
I live in upstate New York with my husband and three boys, Logan, 7, Max, 5 and Hunter who is 3. Three boys + one husband = LOTS OF TESTOSTERONE. I think that explains why I run... I actually do enjoy the peace and quiet and how great I feel after a run. I'm not always motivated to get out there and do it but once I'm done I feel so much better.
Favorite Race Distance: I've completed several races ranging from 5k's to half marathons. I would have to say right now I don't have a favorite race distance but I do have a favorite race. I have only done the Utica Boilermaker 15k once and although I am not a beer drinker I had the most enjoyment running it.
Favorite Song to Run to: I have two. I Run For Life by Melissa Etheridge and Settlin' by Sugarland
Favorite Dessert: Any type of baked good. Pies, cakes, cookies it doesn't matter I love them all!
Current Goal: Run the Rock and Roll Marathon in San Diego on June 1. Savor and enjoy my first marathon. I do have a goal time but since this is my first I am more focused on enjoying the moment.

Tammi is a first-time pregnant runner who began running 2 years ago to get back in shape and fell in love with the sport! With the OBGYN's permission, she still runs at least 3 miles per day and participates in local racing events. Her goal is to complete (likely walking!) the December 14th Dallas White Rock Half Marathon - 11 days before her due date - in the 5.5 hour time limit! She is particularly interested in hearing from experienced pregnant runners and those with experience picking up their long runs soon after delivery.
Favorite race distance: Half Marathon
Favorite song to run to: Stronger - Kanye West
Favorite dessert: Tiramisu!
Current goal: Complete the Dallas White Rock Half Marathon at 9 months pregnant
Blogger screen name: Tammi1407

Catherine is 45 years old (46 next month). Three kids: Mary, 13, Cory, 10, and Charlie 7. She started running marathons in 2006 (St George was my first) and am working on running 50 in 50 states. 7 states down. 43 to go. She works full time, but also volunteer to coach a kids running team (K-6) and that gives me the most joy. Part of her runs to set a good example for the kids. In the Fall, she is starting a girls middle school running team because middle school girls really need a sport.
Favorite distance: marathon
Favorite current song: "Bubbly" because it starts with "Count me in". And when it comes to running, I'm ready to go.
Favorite Dessert: Not sure about my favorite dessert - there are so many to choose from.
Current goal: 50 marathons in 50 states. My next race is Kona, June 29, 2008. My Blogger screen name is Auntfun. It's a family thing that stuck. That's also my nickname on Marathon Maniacs. I'm number 466. my sister is #299.

My name is Rebecca. I am a mom to 5 kids ages 6, 5, 4, 2 and 6
months!!! I am pretty new to running. I love that training for an
upcoming race gives me time for myself and a great excuse to "run from
Favorite race distance: 5k
Favorite song to run to: Beverly Hills by Weezer :)
Favorite dessert: cheesecake!
Current goal: Finish my first triathlon - The Lake Las Vegas Sprint
Triathlon in August
Blogger screen name: rebecca
Melissa is the stay-at-home mom of one very active little boy and discovered the joys of running in college. Since then she’s run one marathon, two half-marathons, and a few 10ks and 5ks. She likes running in the early morning or at dusk and actually prefers to run without music. She loves running because of the chance it gives to push herself physically and mentally.
Favorite Race Distance: half-marathon
Favorite Song to run to: I prefer to run without music (crazy I know!)
Favorite Dessert: the cream slushies at sonic…soooo good!
Current Goal: get my honey to run with me in a 5k
Blogger screen name: Melissa
My name is Allison, I'm a wife to Chaz, mother to Ava (22 months) & former therapist, CSW...currently a stay at home mom & a runner!
I have ran track & cross county since high school & now just run for fun...its my own therapy! Currently I'm running on average 30-35 miles per week (pushing a baby jogger) at around a 9 minute mile pace...the next race I'm running is a 10mile fun run in two weeks.
Favorite race distance: 5K
Favorite song to run to: 80's & old school rap
Favorite dessert: anything chocolate
Current goal: building more muscle....I hate to lift weights!! 1/2 marathon in Sept. I'm also a former swimmer & would some day love to complete a triathlon!

I'm Felice and I live in upstate New York with my husband and one year old son. I work from home as a freelance writer and editor, which means I squeeze work in during naps, evenings and weekends. This leaves less time than I would like for runs, but I manage to get those in when I can. I've run one marathon and I would love to run another at some point. Right now, I'm mostly running 5Ks.
Favorite race distance: 5K, because that's what most of my races have been but I loved training for and running my marathon.
Favorite song to run to: Anything that pops into my head.
Favorite dessert: Hot fudge sundae.
Current goal: To get back under 24 minutes for the 5K.
Blogger screen name: I have two sites:
http://thehappyrunner.blogspot.com and my "mommy" site:
Cari (Jace): I am a Speech-Pathologist and am married and have a little boy, Jace, who is 17-months old. I have always been athletic and in to sports but have just started running in the last few years. I have done many 5k's--even some with Jace in the jogger--but am doing my first 1/2 marathon in a couple of weeks.
Favorite race distance--5k
Favorite song to run to-anything--I could never make it without my ipod!
Favorite dessert-I am a sucker for any dessert but anything chocolate is my favorite!
Current goal-to finish my first 1/2 marathon
Blogger Screen Name- Jace
New to running, but not to the idea of sweating in order to stave off depression and weight gain, Ralani is the mother of two beautiful children who both run faster than she does. A successful foray into being athletic for the first time in her life was cut short by a shoulder injury two years ago, but she is determined to bounce back and enjoy the benefits of being healthy and fit. Even if it kills her.
Favorite Race Distance: Once I run one longer than 3K, I'll let you know.
Favorite Song to Run to: "Never" and "I'm Free" from the Footloose soundtrack.
Favorite Dessert: I'll eat anything sweet, but caramel and chocolate are especially tempting.
Current Goal: To survive the Hood to Coast Relay in late August.I have legs 8, 20 and 33. Scared to death.
Screen Name: Ralani

My name is
Kathryn! our little family of 3 (me, my husband, and our baby) just moved to anchorage at the end of april ('08). it is beautiful--spectacularly beautiful up here. it is quite lonely though, and very far away from family. i'm really excited about getting into a great running routine while the summer is in full swing. we moved from arizona, where i completed two 1/2 marathons ('05, '06). prior to living in arizona, i lived in utah, where i completed the deseret news marathon ('00)--before the route was modified and it was a grueling, thrilling first marathon. i also ran the st g ('01) and really enjoyed it. our sweet baby boy, caleb was born in mar of '07. with a husband finishing grad school, a 14 month old to chase, a new role as a stay at home mom, job hunting with my husband, and a major move to alaska, i've been in a state of flux and so have my running/eating routines! it's been a while since i've done a race. i'm craving frienship, but more than that, i want my figure back and i want my runner's high back! i've just started running again and although i'm a little achy, i'm so happy to be in my shoes again. i'm looking forward to running a 1/2 marathon (mesa falls) on aug 23rd. i just want to finish it without any injuries.
Favorite race distance: the 1/2 marathon...i think...it's been a while!
Favorite song to run to: i love euro/techno/dance music
Favorite dessert: lately it's the sees scotchmallow bar--pretty much addicted
Current goal:complete the mesa falls 1/2 marathon without any injuries
Blogger screen name:mixfam.blogspot.com

Gina: I'm the mommy of two beautiful children. Daughter almost 3 and Son 7 mo. I've been running for about 3 years. Currently I run to stay sane (and lose weight) but originally started running with "my running women" when our aerobics group got kicked out of the church while it got a new furnace. We've run together each summer since. (Winters are too cold here for the younglings to go in the stroller)
Favorite Race Distance: I just finished my first 15K and loved it...my favorite distance so far. Long enough to be a challenge short enough to make training possible.
Current Goal: I am currently training for the Mesa Falls 1/2 Marathon.
Favorite Dessert: My favorite dessert is Chili's molten chocolate cake but a great donut will do in a pinch.
Favorite Song to Run To: My favorite song to run to constantly changes. I'm addicted to itunes.

Elizabeth is a speech pathologist who just had her first baby in January of 2008. She started running in college to get shape and has since completed several 5K races and one half-marathon. She wants to get her mileage back up and get acclimated to running with the jogging stroller.
Favorite race distance: 5K
Favorite song to run to: "Going the Distance"
Favorite dessert: anything with chocolate and peanut butter!
Current goal: to build my mileage back up and build some muscle
Blogger screen name: Elizabeth

Amanda Brandon (
TheBrandonFamilyWa) is the mom of one 3 year old boy. He is her companion during most training runs and some races. She has been running since high school, with a few years off in between. She is just now getting back into it and loves taking the time for herself. She has run countless races ranging from 5K to 50K ultra relays but she is looking forward to running her first marathon in October, the Portland Marathon. Amanda is a proud Army wife and is logging as many miles as she can until her husband comes home from Iraq.
Favorite race distance: 10K or Ultra Marathon Relays
Favorite song to run to: Nothing Else Matters, Metallica or Man in the Box, Alice in Chains
Favorite dessert: Chocolate Lava Cake
Current goal: Portland Marathon, Oct. 5, 2008
Blogger screen name: TheBrandonFamilyWa

Hi, my name is Robyn. I graduated with a BS in Exercise Science and Nutrition, so being fit and exercising has always been important to me, but I have never been a runner. I always thought that some people were just born to run and some weren't (and I wasn't!). At the end of 2007, after hearing so many inspiring stories, like friends Hannah and Kristi's, I set a goal to do a 1/2 marathon. In April, I did the SLC 1/2 marathon and surprised myself! I can run. Now I am addicted! We did a family 5K in June, my husband and I did the Provo 10K on July 4th, and I will be doing the Hobble Creek ½ and the TOU marathon with two friends this year. I have been married for 8.5 years and I am the mother of three children, and enjoy running on trails and being out in nature. I tell people that running keeps me sane (mostly sane that is). I'm addicted to the endorphins and cannot start my day without a great workout.
Favorite race distance: ½ marathon
Favorite song to run to: Come On Eileen, Reel Big Fish
Favorite dessert: Pumpkin Cheesecake
Current goal: TOU marathon, Sept 2008
Blogger screen name: Robyn

Hi! I came across this website when I was searching for the best double jogger on google. I am about to have my fourth baby girl and my two youngest will be almost 2 years apart. That means, I think, if i ever get to run again I will need a double. Great blog! I just became a runner just over a year ago and ran the Nike Women's Marathon in San Fran with Team In Training. Went on to run some 5k's, a 10k and the AZ Rock in Roll half marathon. I love running in groups, especially with the Nike Club in Newport Beach, Ca. Super fun and love every step and sweat I drop. Also, love cooking and food and what a great way to eat everything in site and still be in good shape. I love everything that running does for me and I hope to instill that into our children. Suprise pregnancy and had to give up my San Diego marathon that just happened in June, next year has my name all over it! My 6 year old daughter has already done a "kids mile" and loved it. Hopefully there will be more to come!
Fav distance: 6 miles
Fav song: Any Justin Timberlake
Fav dessert: Love chocolate devils food cake layered with dark chocolate frosting
current goal: have healthy baby in Sept. and get back out on the road. Half marathon at Huntington Beach, Ca in Feb.
Blogger Screen name: Jaime (Rockin Rice)

My name is Alex and I am new to running. I am a stay-at-home mom to Emma, who just turned 2 and is currently flexing her "I'm 2" power by taking off her diaper and running around the house naked! I'd always hated running- I was the girl walking the mile in high school PE. I had always been naturally thin, never needed to exercise, but after having Emma I was packing an extra 40lbs. and curious as to why I wasn't dropping the weight. After boring workouts at the gym I discovered an awesome running class for beginner's with kids. I now run atleast 4 times a week, still definetly a beginner but making progress. I'm training for a 10k at the end of August, as well as the Seattle half marathon. I'm really starting to enjoy getting out of the house for a run.
Favorite Race Distance:
Favorite Song to Run to: Get Connected by Stereo MC's
Favorite Dessert: Baskin Robbins World Class Chocolate
Current Goal: Finish the Nike Human Race 10K at the end of August
Blogger Screen Name: paynefamilyonline.blogspot.com
Shelah: I was always the slowest runner in my class in school. I'd come loping across the finish line 10 seconds after the rest of my friends in the 50-yard dash. So no one was more surprised than I was when I started running after my first kid was born, and I was absolutely shocked to find that it wasn't just a quick way to burn calories-- it was actually something I liked. I was a casual runner for several years, then the competitive bug bit me, and I was surprised to find that I was actually pretty fast!
These days I live in Texas, where I can run outside year-round (provided I'm home before the sun rises in the summer), and chase my four kids (ages 8 to 1). I also blog at
Hitting the Ground Running,
Feminist Mormon Housewives, and
Segullah. My favorite pastimes, other than running and blogging, are reading (a good way to relax after hitting the pavement hard) and baking (when I run a lot I can actually enjoy eating brownies). I've run two marathons this year and qualified for Boston, so I'm feeling pretty pleased about my running goals so far this year.
Favorite race distance: for solo races, I love the half-marathon, although I'm starting to actually like the marathon distance too. But I really love relays-- there's something about running and girl bonding that can't be beat! This year's Wasatch Back was both the greatest challenge and the most fun I've had as a runner.
Favorite song to run to: List of Demands: by Saul Williams or pretty much anything by The Killers
Favorite dessert: Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and a scoop of ice cream
Current goal: setting a PR at St. George Marathon in 2008, Boston Marathon 2009
Blogger screen name: Shelah