Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I love my Garmin!

When I woke up this morning, I was getting ready and heard the wind and rain pounding on my house and decided to crawl back into bed. Yep, I am a wimp! I had such a yucky treadmill run yesterday that I was dreading today. So, I used a feature of my new Garmin Forerunner 305 for the first time. It was so cool! I know, I know, I am a numbers geek, but it really changed my attitude. I put in a workout on the computer that I then transferred to my watch. It was a tempo run and my watch would alert me every few minutes to tell me where my heart rate was supposed to be. I ran for about the same amount of time as I did yesterday, but it was such a better workout.

How is everyone liking their Garmin? I love it!!


Ang said...

Basically my husband won't let me even look at mine until Christmas! So not fair!!!!!!!! He was hiding it and I finally asked him if it had come. He smiled. I reminded him I needed to fill out the rebate. He let me cut out the bar code and then took it back. I can't wait to use it!

sarah k. said...

I don't even know what that is! I know, I'm technologically retarded. It sounds cool though. I usually run with a stop watch, and I have to look at it every few seconds when I am doing tempos. It's really hard when it's still dark.

(incidentally, I ran M, T, and W.)

Anonymous said...

is that the Garmin Forerunner 50? I was drooling over it the other day. I am glad to hear that you are having fun with it. My husband might freak if I say I want one. He thinks proper running attire is a cotton t-shirt and gym shorts!

By the way I ran today (Thur).

Team Hanni said...

It's too cold to use my new garmin. It's charged and ready to go, I'm just a whip and would rather face the treadmill each day... I need to figure out how to use it though. I may need a class or two from you all.....

I can't wait for it to warm up a bit so I can go back outside!!!!

(count me for a run on Thursday)

Ang said...

Count me for Thur.

Chelle said...

I ran Wed and Fri-- my total should be 3.

Also, I ran errands on Thursday. You can count that one, too. ha ha

everything pink! said...

my husband got the garmin 305 for graduation from graduate school a few years ago and poor guy has never really used it because i pretty much stole it from him. it is what made me train for the marathon, i love to see my time, my milage, my stats, for most they would be too slow to look at but for me they are great.
i am a task oriented gal and the garmin has been a great tracking system for me.