Friday, March 28, 2008

Just Curious...

For the last month or so, I have been thinking about what everyone stresses about before they race, maybe because SLC is coming and that's a big goal for many of the Marathon Mommies, or possibly because I have been stressing about things in my own life that are out of my control, those trials that get placed in front of you for what seems at the time, no particular reason, as well as things in my life that are in my control that possibly I haven't been as diligent at doing...(like training or lack of...) but I got to wondering what specific rituals everyone goes through before they run...

I, for example, was given a plastic fly when I ran my first State Cross Country meet in High school some 15+ years ago and have kept it ever since, now when I race, I always carry this "lucky fly" in my hand or tied to my shoe, I know a little weird... I also can't stand to have idle chattering before I race, with anyone, doesn't matter if it's my husband or kids, I can't handle it. I always pray before I run, and I always take a moment to give myself a pep talk, no matter the distance, and when I was younger,when I got new shoes, I always slept with them on the night before I ran any race in them. I know, it sounds like I'm a nut job...lets blame it on the fact that I live in Alaska and don't get out much...but I thought I would pose a couple of questions to everyone...

What specific, if any, rituals/traditions do you have before you run a race?
Are any of them as odd as mine?
Am I the only one that does the same thing before they run?


Chelle said...

That fly ritual is AWESOME!! My rituals are a bit boring, in comparison.

I am quite ritualistic about setting out my outfit and gear the night before, eating the exact same thing on race days and the prayer before the race. I also listen to "Bitter Sweet Symphony" as my first song on the i-pod during a race.

This was a really fun post.

Suzie Petunia said...

I love your little rituals... whatever works for you! But if you hate chatting before a race, be sure to steer clear of Kelly (M&M). She is a talker, but before a race... it goes to a whole new level (and I love it because it keeps my mind off of whatever crazy things my mind is thinking about. :)

My rituals have to do with race preparation. Like Chelle, I lay out my clothes: everything... right down to the safety pins for the number, the water bottles, the 2 bananas I eat, etc. The song that gets me through the end of each marathon I have run is Angel by Shaggy... a strange pick perhaps, but the rhythm does the trick. I would probably feel "naked" if I didn't have it on my iPod on race day!

Also... I double knot my shoes...
I apply chap stick...
I put on a bit of makeup for marathons because I know my family will take pictures... silly, I know.

Kelly(M&M) said...

You know, for running as many races as I have, I don't feel I have too many rituals. I just have to have my Garmin, my Fuel Belt, and socks that I know don't chaff! I feel like a disappointment!

Charity, I love the fly story- so great!

Suzie P- I have no idea what you are talking about. :-)