Saturday, March 08, 2008

Mystery Solved!

A couple of weeks ago I posted to you all about my calf problem. Thanks to all of your comments, I hydrated myself beyond belief, rolled and rolled on those big ol' muscles, and hit the store for some new runners. The first thing the clerk told me after measuring my foot was that the shoe I was wearing (which he also noted was quite an "old" model of Brooks) was 1 1/2 sizes too small! Apparently my feet have grown quite a bit in the last couple of years! So, the guy tells me that he's about 105% sure that my shoe was the source of the problem. Indeed it was, because now I'm set up with a nice new pair of running shoes, sized up just right with the right kind of support and my last 4 runs have been amazing. I've been able to increase my distance without dying of pain and now feel like I'm actually going to be able to do this thing (I'm running a half marathon in July). I feel like a million dollars now and have NO calf pain AT ALL! Hooray! Guess it's no secret that I'm obviously a new runner! I love it so much though and it seems to get better with each run.

Now I have a new question - for those of you running SLC in April, or who have run marathons or halfs before, how much will you run the long run before the race and through the week before?


Suzie Petunia said...

I love Marathon Mommies success stories. :) And I love new shoes.

Team Hanni said...


Everybody always tells me you are supposed to taper the last week before a race. I haven't done it too much. I always run 13.1 the Saturday before, just so I know I can actually do it. During the week I will reduce milage a little and take Thursday and Friday off.

Are you running Bryce? I think I read that somewhere, once upon a time... Anyway - I ran that one last summer. It is an incredible race with a HUGE downhill at about mile 2. I looked at my garmin and was running 5:20 miles, it's that STEEP!!! I had such a great finish time because of it. I wish sooooo bad I would have trained a little on downhills, I just kept telling myself, "don't fall, don't fall." It's a little crazy, but so breathtaking! A good friend of mine runs this race every summer. She told me to just let my body go as fast as it needs to on the downhill to prevent calf/leg problems. Hope some of that helps...

Lisa said...

Hello there. I found this sight through a friends, and I love it. I do have a question though. I have heard that if you are trying to get pregnant, you shouldn't run. I am not pregnant yet, but hoping to be by summer time. I am training for a marathon in October. Realistically, am i going to be able to do it? And if i'm running, is that hurting the chances of me getting pregnant?

Kelly(M&M) said...

Yeah for ideas that work! I am so happy for you. Sometimes we have experiences to share that have worked for us but unfortunately don't work for others. It is all trial and error and learning from each other!

As far as taper goes, for a half marathon I believe you take the last week pretty easy, especially the few days before. Bryce Canyon sounds like a beautiful, fun half marathon! Keep us posted.

Stradling fam- Welcome! We are so glad you found our site. Congrats on deciding to run your first marathon. I would check with your doctor first! That being said, running is a healthy way to stay fit and unless you are really pushing your heart rate, you should definitely be fine. I would follow a beginner schedule and make your goal to finish! I can't wait to hear all about it. St. George is a beautiful marathon!! A few of us just ran that one this past October. Let us know if you have any other questions. I will post your question in the forum on so others can answer!

Charity said...

Stradling Fam..

As a marathon runner, mom and woman also trying to get pregnant, I can tell you that all the doctors I've seen (and I've seen many) have said that exercise is a good thing, if you are not skimping on your calories and training smart...(sometimes it's better to finish than PR while you are trying to get pregnant), than I don't think you will have a problem. Check with your Doctor, like M&M said, but enjoy the ride...

Charity said...


I like to taper a bit my last week before I run, somehow, the day of my marathon, or half, I feel that much stronger..I like to run some easy 5K's and take the 2 days before I race off..

Good luck, most importantly, have fun!