Saturday, May 17, 2008

I did it!!

I Finished my first 1/2 marathon! It was a learning experience for me! I am ready to do it again. I love the quote on the mommy t-shirt that reads 'the woman who starts the race is not the same woman who finishes the race' I agree with that 100% I love how running has changed my life and I look forward to training for many more races! I am use to training in cool weather and today's race was in the 80's so that was a little tough for me. I feel like I did great mentally but physically my body was fighting against me. My muscles got really tight and that has never happened before! Will the heat do that to you? Overall, I am absolutely thrilled that I did it!

My brother came from UT to run my first race with me :)

My family!

My running group: striking our crossing the finish line pose!


Roxanne said...

Great job on your race. I remember my first is such an accomplishment. Now you know the skys the limit! Good Job!

I am also an Idaho runner (huge and prego right now). There seems to be a lot of us. We should get together and do a race. I plan on doing the Boise womens celebration and the City of Trees half marathon. Any takers?

Ang said...

Wooooohooooooooooooooo! Way to go.

cherl said...

Yay!! Finishing your first of any distance is such a thrill. And, a great accomplishment. Hooray for you!

Cute family photo. We're dog people so I always love to see other folks include theirs in family photos. Cute kids, too! But you, you look really great for having just run 13.1 miles. Seriously! Did you sweat at all?

amydear said...

Congrats to you! It looks like your running group had a great time. Did you meet your goal? Finishing a half is quite an accomplishment in itself, so nice work!

Suzie Petunia said...

Congratulations! We are all so happy for you and proud of you for accomplishing this goal! It looks like your group had fun.

Kelly(M&M) said...

Congrats on your first half marathon! Such a great thing to accomplish and you will always remember it! The heat is a bummer to deal with and can definitely affect how you feel. The great thing about a race is that you learn something from each one. Your pics are great!! I look forward to hearing more from you. Enjoy your rest!

JP said...

Congrats, congrats!! That is so awesome!

Staci Rocha said...

It would be neat to get a group of Marathon mommies together from ID and do the Boise Womens celebration 5k! I will do it with you Roxannne, anyone else?

Thanks for all of your encouraging words! This is a great blog! I am glad to be a part of it!

:) Staci

Lindsay S said...

Congrats!!! So exciting, and good to hear you are ready to do it again. Helps me be motivated for my first half (in June) Good work!!

renae said...

Congratulations!! I just ran my first half marathon this weekend too!