Friday, October 10, 2008


My husband and I are in Chicago anxiously awaiting the Sunday marathon. We were able to go to the Expo today and that was amazing.

I have to share with you all about these new hats they have out. They are called Gas Caps- - -cute play on words meaning a hat that will hold your gel packets.I bought one today and it will hold 6 gel packs. Here is a picture. You can't even tell you have them up there. Now, I haven't ran with it yet so I don't know how well I will like it for sure yet, but it seems great.

I am completely overwhelmed by the busyness of this city and how many people are here. I am really nervous about finishing this race because my knee and hip have been hurting a lot again this week. A friend of mine said I should take some Aleve before the race- - -I have never taken any medicine before or during a run so what do you all think???


amydear said...

Have fun and good luck! About the Aleve, since it's in your system working for about 12 hours, I'm not sure I would take it if I were you. It might upset your stomach. If you regularly take Advil, I'd go with that. But if you've never needed and pain meds during a run, just wait until after. I LOVE Chicago as a city. I hope the weather is better than last year.

Alicia said...

Do what you feel will help you but I will tell you it seemed to help me! I just ran the St. George Marathon last week with bad knee pain- I took 400mg of Ibuprofen before the race (with food) and a 200 mg during. It didn't upset my stomach and I figured, what the heck. Good luck with your race!

Charity said...

I think Ibuprofen is a MUCH better choice than Aleve. A little better on your stomach and more suited to help with minor aches and pains...this is coming straight from my hubby who is in the medical profession.

Good luck, have fun and keep us posted on your hat!

Kelly(M&M) said...

Love the pic- what a great idea! Let us know how the hat works. I try not to mess with new things in a race, but ibuprofen seems to work for a lot of people. I would only take a small amount. Good luck in the marathon! Please post a report!

Keekee said...

Hi- good luck. I LOVE Chicago, that is my hometown :) That is a great marathon, it was my first!!! I just completed another marathon 3 weeks ago and had some really bad IT band pain in my hip. I never was one to take a lot of aleve/advil but decided to since I was going to running for soo long. I took them about 30mins prior to the start with some toast and did not have any problems during the race. I hope you do great, enjoy the city. It is amazing.

Janice {Run Far} said...

I always take Ibuprofen before a marathon or a long run.. heck I even take it when I am only running 4 miles, i just hurt so bad if I don't.. .it never bothers me. Good luck

JP said...

Good luck!! SO excited for all you guys running!

Unknown said...

Good Luck tomorrow! Can't wait to hear your follow up. I have always taken IBUPROFEN before and during a marathon with no problems. I agree, start with a low dose 220-400mg 1 hr prior to start time (with food), if you decide to take anything at all. Also, I would take a few tablets with you and take them as needed. One thing to keep in mind, it is easier to manage pain before it gets too intense. So if you feel something coming on I would take an additional dose prior to the pain becoming so severe. Hope that helps. Again good luck!

Marci said...

Thanks for all the advice- - I didn't pack any ibuprofen so I am going to try the Aleve- - but only take one.

Headed to bed so I can get up at 5:00 am