(That's me in the black)
I just got back from running the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon. Wow....what a time! That was the hardest race I've ever done. I was not mentally or physically prepared for that. I also should have checked the elevation chart on the course map before I went. The whole thing was up-hill. OUCH! Luckily my knee held out and I didn't have any further injuries, but my legs turned into bricks halfway through. I missed all 3 of my time goals (my 3rd one by 28 seconds). But I finished and I got my Tiffany & Co necklace and had a wonderful experience. It was so beautiful! I would do it again with a body that's better trained for hills.
You can read more about it here.
Congratulations!!! You did great, you ran, you finished & you got your necklace! Can't get any better then that...Big high five from me!
Awesome Job! That sounds like it was a hard marathon- uphill-yuck! But you made it!
Sunday I felt a bit dissapointed that I wasn't participating...but thought of you!!
I'm looking forward to next year...if you wanna. :) haha...
Nothing you can do when injuries happen. You are a trooper and I am amazed at your strength and determination. I really enjoyed your race report- thanks for sharing! You are an inspiration, and I love the necklace, so cool!
I loved reading your race report. This one looks like a TOUGH race! great job, and now you get to sport the necklace. : )
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