Thursday, November 13, 2008

Are You Running the 1/2?

Hey is anyone running the "Run to Stay Warm" 1/2 marathon in Eugene, OR next weekend? I just signed up and would love to meet some of you lovely ladies if you will be there.


Kelly(M&M) said...

I wish I was, but my hubby is going out of town. We have a few men from the group we run with on Saturdays going. I am not sure if any of the women are going. I am pretty sure Amydear is running it!

Have a great race and I look forward to the report. I was bummed we didn't get to meet up at Best Dam Run. Are you doing Hippie Chick or Newport Marathon?

amydear said...

I'm not yet committed. Isn't that silly? I've really slacked on training the last week due to a chest cold. But I'll at least be running the 5K!

amydear said...

Heather -- I just signed up. What's your goal time? Maybe we can run together. I want to finish under 2 hours.

Unknown said...

Amy, I have been running 9 min 30 sec miles on my "training" runs. That would put me a little over 2 hours but I would love to at least start out with you as I am comming by myself. My husband a daughter will still be warm in their beds when I leave in the morning!

amydear said...

I'm running by myself too. Other runners I know here are faster or slower than me, but I like a solo race. I will look for you!