Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Mommies Got Back still need 3!

Hey if you are interested in running a crazy fun race (See the details HERE)  we still have 3 spots on the team from here.  Head over to our BLOG for information on how to join in the fun!


amydear said...

Ooh, don't I wish! If only I lived in Utah . . . This is going to be tons of fun!

Sarah B. said...

That does sound like a blast....but I live in CA. How do you find these things?

JP said...

Sarah B...where in CA do you live???

(I'm in NorCal...just curious because I'm on the team...and I only know about it because of, well...Chelle and Suzy P and Kelly (M&M). :)

JP said...

I just read your bio...we're far apart. :)

Stephanie@Soggy Runner Girl said...

Wpuld love to if I am not pregnant! I know that is not much help but atleast you can keep me in mind for an alternate. I was captain of my Hood to Coast team this year and it was a blast!

Sarai said...

I am interested if you still need someone. I emailed you already. Let me know.

Megan said...

I might be able to do it. I need to talk to dh about it first. And, I am not fast....not fast as in 10-11 minute miles. So if you are looking for a fast team, I'm not it. I've captained a Hood to Coast Team twice, and ran this last year for the first time.

Sarah said...

I'm also not that fast...but would like to do it (bucket list item). Let me know if you still need another person.