Monday, November 03, 2008

On trainning for a half marathon

Hi everyone!

I am here for some moral support. I am planning on running my first half marathon in April. Even though the date is pretty far away, I'm already nervous about the training. I have 2 little ones, a 16 month old and a 3 year old, neither one is old enough to go to school yet so I have always made them part of my training, meaning that I always train pushing a stroller with the both of them in it, of course. I am already nervous to the point that I often find myself over thinking the issue. How will I be able to train for a half-marathon with the 2 of them? I went over a training program and going on those long runs pushing an extra 50 lbs or more don't look very fun. I know that being a mom and training for a half marathon is very possible, I have all of you to prove that. So I though I'd ask for some advice from the experts: How do you super running mommies do it?

So excited to hear back from all of you!


kate said...


i just ran my first half marathon. my boys are 3 & 14 months. i've done all my running with them. it does make the long runs harder, but the good part is i ran the half marathon faster than i ran any of the long runs because i wasn't pushing my boys!! what i do for the long runs...
take LOTS of food that will take a long time for them to eat (popcorn is great, goldfish, suckers). i make sure to tell them they only get those things on long runs so they're more excited about the long runs. i also start telling them the night before that we're going on a really long, long run, so they're better mentally prepared for it. on the last couple of runs (13 miles), i brought along our portable dvd player. i made sure to tell my 3 year old to hold onto it tight cause if it fell then he couldn't watch it anymore. anyways, good luck. oh, and i ALWAYS think of a big prize they can earn after the long run (like going swimming, going to the park, watching a movie (unless they did on the run!), getting a treat, etc) and tell them about it ahead of time so that way when they start to have a hard time, i remind them of what they're trying to earn.... hopefully this is what you were asking about and hope it helps some! there's definitely better days than others when you're running with your kids!! good luck!

Janice {Run Far} said...

I have always been lucky enough to find the time or someone to babysit for me so I have never had to use a stroller. Now I am in Ky with no friends or family and I am thinking a stroller for the 3 years old would be great.. except I am to lazy so I have been doing most of my runs on the treadmill... UGH.... Just think how much stonger you will be when running the race with NO stroller.

Keekee said...

I was able to change my running routine so that I run early in the morning while they are still sleeping and my husband is home before he leaves for work. I have two children, 3 and 5, so I know how hard it is to find the time. I quickly became and early riser and now look forward to my morning 5am runs, peace and quiet :)

JP said...

I'm impressed by all of you.

Gina said...

I trained for my first 1/2 with a 3 yr old and a 7 mo old. I ran 2 days a week with the double stroller... eg. one 4 mile run and one 6 mile run. An hour was my children's limit so I did my long run on Saturdays and got a babysitter when my husband couldn't be there. You'd be surprised by how easy it is to find a babysitter for a 6am run. No one else needs a babysitter at that time! If you need stroller ideas search the blog for the key word stroller and you will find lots of things in the archives that have worked for us stroller mommies.

5 Miles Past Empty said...

whew. running with a stroller is really not very fun. I have done 3 halfs since my husband left for Iraq in May. So needless to say I have done almost all of my training with a stroller. i have been able to find a few local schools with fenced in tracks to that my 3 year old can play while I do sprint work. The rainy season is putting a damper on that though. Like the others I have broken down to get a sitter for my longer runs, sometimes. 12 miles is the farthest I have gone with the jogger. My friend actually did a half with her two in the stroller! My son likes going in the stroller, he says he is running a race and usually tells me to go faster. Ha. I tend to find flat routes to take because hills are killer. Bring lots of things for them to do. a few small toys or books and snacks. You will definitely see that you are stronger when you finally run the race without the stroller! good luck and hang in there! You can do it!!

Anonymous said...

I would rather run without a stroller, because the that it is 'me time'. I am trying to get in a routine, as far as the same time every day, so the best time for me to run is in the morning (kids are sleeping and husbands home). It is hard, because I am not a morning person. I am 6 months pregnant so I am trying to get up in the morning and walk, so hopefully by the time the baby is here, it will be a piece of cake to get up in the morning and run.

Mrs. Spencer said...

Wow-I'm amazed at how creative some of you are with your running. That is awesome. I have 5 kids but I'm not a huge fan of running with the stroller-so I do my runs at 5am during the week too (usually that is on the treadmill) and do my long runs on the weekends when my husband is hopefully home or I get a sitter.
I can see how training with the stroller can make you stronger for the actual race. Good Luck!

Sarai said...

You guys are amazing! and yes I know that trainning witha stroller does make me stronger when I go with out it. Thanks for all of your ideas. I'll have to try them all. Thanks for the inspiration and motivation! If you all can, I can do it too! :)

Look Pretty. Run Nasty. said...

I think everyone that has commented has had great points. I've run 8 half marathons and 2 full marathons while raising my kids. I ADORE half marathons. It is my favorite race distance.

I run early in the morning and get back right as my kids are waking up. I have a jogging stroller but I find my form really struggles when I run with my kids long distances.

It's mostly about time management and passion. I found friends who had the same goal, they dragged me out of bed after a late night with a newborn when I had no energy to do it. Having a running support system really helps. You can do it!!