Saturday, December 06, 2008

Berbee Derby—Thanksgiving Day Race Report

Hi all—this is my first post here…I’m excited to be part of such a great blog.

I run a 10K on Thanksgiving morning with a good friend of mine. The temps were in the 20’s but the day was sunny and no wind. As a side note, this was a vast improvement over last year when we had an ice storm the night previous and the wind chills were in the single digits. My husband, two boys and parents were there to cheer us on.

Our goal was to be under one hour. Well all in all we had a great race! We walked periodically so we had energy for a killer hill at the end. I struggled a little with an upset stomach but nothing too major. We finished with a time of 57 minutes…five minutes better than last year. Plus we had a great time and of course no guilt with the pig out later that day.

The racers and the cheering section

Running to the finish (and trying to catch the pilgrims that passed me)


Anonymous said...


((nice post! good to meet you, and congrats on the 10k!!))

5 Miles Past Empty said...

Fun! And cute pictures too! I love the Turkey trots! Great job beating your goal!

Anonymous said...

they are sooo cute pic.

Run Mommy said...

Great picture! Not to mention it was a great finish time. Well done!