Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ogden Marathon and Training Plans?

Hi All! I am so excited to be part of this awesome community of mommy runners!

I just signed up for the Ogden Marathon in May (anyone else out there doing that?) and it will be my first marathon. I found a training program on Runner' that is a first -time marathon runner program and you only have to run three days a week. It's called the FIRST program. Anyone have any experience with that, success? failure? likes? dislikes?
Now that I've signed up I feel like my body is falling apart, so I'd thought I'd write my body a little letter:
Dear Body,
I'm writing this formal letter in hopes that you and I can work out an agreement for the coming months.

First let me explain to you why I'm suddenly waking up at 5:00 in the morning, going on runs in the frigid cold, forcing you to move it, move it. I have a goal. I want to run a marathon this year. See, Body, this is an off-pregnancy year. I'm not breastfeeding, and I'm not planning on becoming pregnant for at least 6 months (yeah, we needed that recovery time, huh?), so this is the perfect time. I'm also turning 30. I know, I know, you're not old Body, you're in your prime. That's why now is the perfect time to run a marathon.

This marathon goal is a time-dependent goal, a goal that will benefit you, Body, if you'll just let it. I promise I'm not trying to kill you. I'm trying to make you stronger. So, will you please stop developing nagging aches and pains? I know you're probably trying to tell me something important, but can it wait?

Hips- I need you right now. I promise I'll stretch you out, and I'll even work on making you stronger. Are you in? Alright Knees, look lively. You are critical for my success. I promise I'll do those exercises the physical therapist gave me if you'll just not get any worse than you already are. Alright Stuffy Nose- Will you please last only a few days and not develop into pneumonia or some sort of long lasting awful cough? I could really use you for breathing while I run.
Look Body, I'll make a deal with you. I promise to add miles responsibly, eat vegetables at least twice a day (I'm sorry Taste Buds, please forgive me. This is for Body), and train my core. I just need you to stay strong. I promise this is for you. This is for your good. So stick with me!


Megan and Jon said...

I'm going to copy this and mail one to my body as well. I am doing Ogden as well only the 1/2 though are you doing the full.
I like the Hal Higdon training programs.

Chablis said...

Hey there! I'm not a marathon mommie, but I love this blog and all the great inspiration and tips I get. I am training for my first 1/2 marathon in June. This letter is fantastic! So great. I think I need to read it to my body every morning. Good luck!!

Kim said...

I've done Ogden- it's great. You'll love it. One bit of advice: Don't go out too fast. I know, that's what you always hear, but it's so true. Also- it's quite downhill, so train with hills- up and down. Good luck! I love your letter to your body.

Kristyn said...

That's so cute, Stephanie. I'm glad to have you have joined us. You'll have to tell me how Ogden goes...I want to do that one next May.

Mrs. Spencer said...

I love it!!! I think I'm going to send that letter to my body too! I'm training for my first full marathon (Salt Lake) and am just hoping that my body will hold out as well! Good Luck!

Russ and Jamie said...

I'm not a member, but I love this blog. I ran the Ogden marathon 2 years ago. I would have loved it, but I was fighting the flu during my run, and my friend got hit by a car at mile 22. I want to run that one again, it is a very beautiful run. Good luck!

Russ and Jamie said...

by the way, my friend is o.k.!

Jamie said...

I've always wanted to run the Ogden Marathon. I'm from there, but live in the East now. My bro ran it last time and loved it.
I loved the letter to your body. :) Good luck!

Amateur Steph said...

I'm glad your friend is ok! That's a horrible thing to happen. Marathons are hard enough, I think, without adding being hit by a car.

Laura said...

Did the letter work? I'm training for my first half-marathon, and my body is trying to reject the training... ugh!

I am doing the Hal Higdon training program, and I really like it - it's manageable to get training in w/o having to neglect my kids.

Good luck w/ your training!

Ang said...


Are you anywhere near Orem. I maybe could run with you sometimes. I go back and forth between whether or not I'm running the SLC marathon.

Ang said...

P.S. I'm also turning 30 this year. I have yet to embrace it!

Frannie said...

That was hilarious! And your hips will thank you when you get pregnant again, don't you think? Good luck!

RooBabs said...

That letter was great- I love it! Good luck with your training for Ogden. I've been considering doing that race, but I may just do that half (I wish I could have decided before last week before the prices went up). I'm trying to get pregnant (with my first), so I'm just not sure what my body will tolerate.

Oh, and your training plan looks pretty good. I came across a plan from the Salt Lake City Track Club web site that I may use if I decided to do the full.

2-Fold said...
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