Monday, April 20, 2009

Sorry to interrupt the race reports, but.....

.....I'm curious how you ladies know it is time to retire your shoes. How many miles do you get out of a good pair? Do you go by miles, by months, by feel? I have only been running for 6-7 months, and I think my shoes have about had it. I have bought a new pair that I have rotated in, but I hate to get rid of my old ones competely if they aren't all the way worn out yet. (Yes, I'm one of those people that turns the ketchup bottle upside down to get every last drop!--JK) They only have about 215 miles on them, but they just feel different. I have sore spots on my feet after running anything over 5 miles in them. Does this mean they are about to bite the dust?


erinmalia said...

i'm sure i don't do it nearly enough (it's like how i treat my contacts). i just got new ones after one year on the old pair. i promised myself that this time, however, i'd keep track of mileage and be better to my body. i think most shoe people would tell you somewhere between 300-500 miles.

maybe you could get a new pair and see if that makes you feel better? if not, go back to the ones you have now for a bit and then in a couple months, you'll have your new pair just waiting.

also, if possible, check out the new balance laces. they're the greatest things i've seen in a long time.

Giggles said...

I go till they feel bad or my feet hurt or I'm training for a new marathon and I need shiny new shoes to help motivate me.

Which means I need to go get some new shoes now. :)

renae said...

I'm sure I'm not doing it right, but I have been on a 7 - 8 month plan. It seems like my shoes are fine one day, then I'm seriously feeling the pavement the next which pushes me to the store! Probably not the best way to go about it. I have a ton of feet/ankle issues so I'm always concerned about getting new shoes for fear of making it worse.

Tall Girl Running said...

I think the amount of mileage a pair of shoes can take depends a lot on the height and weight of the runner. The same pair of shoes will wear out more quickly by a taller/heavier runner than a shorter/lighter one. That said, they say most shoes are built to last between 300-500 miles. For me, mine start causing my knees to ache right around 400 miles (I keep a log that tracks the mileage on them), but I've heard of runners who can get away with as many as 700.

I'd be suprised if your shoes are already wearing down at only 215 miles. Could it be the socks you're wearing? Maybe you could try lacing them a little differently to see if it helps the sore spots. If nothing works, they'll at least be great cross-training shoes!

Kelly(M&M) said...

Hey you! It definitely wouldn't hurt for you to get a new pair to rotate in and see if it feels different. I would do it sooner rather than waiting until it is too close to the half. 2 1/2 weeks away, can you believe it? I guess I better start fixing up my house!! I can't wait!