Saturday, August 08, 2009

Happy Birthday To Me!

So it's my 37th birthday today, and I was able to start out the day with a 19-mile run in Emigration Canyon here in Salt Lake City with my running club, Locomotion. It is a tough run- starts with about a 7.5 mile uphill climb, followed by 2 miles downhill. Then we turn around and run back up the 2 miles, and then back down the canyon. It is one of those runs that can fill your heart with dread if your conditioning isn't quite up to par, but it's also a run that makes you feel sooo good when you're all finished. This morning I was excited for this run, because I know how great it is, and I knew I was up for the challenge.

Approaching this birthday has been a little hard, because I'm inching closer and closer to the big 4-0. But I have to say that as I climbed that last hill today, and flew down that mountain, even finishing the last three miles with an 8:30 pace, I felt young and invincible! 40 doesn't scare me- BRING IT ON!! As long as I can run, I can feel as young as I want to feel. (Besides, I get another 5 minutes added to my Boston qualifying time, so that's a good thing!) I have so many great examples in my club. There is one man who is almost 70, and he is running 5+ marathons this year with the goal of qualifying for Boston at each one. So far, he has done it. He is amazing. There are many others who have done similar things, including completing ironman triathlons after age 60, and the list goes on and on. It's so motivating to run with them, and to know that if I continue on this running path, I can be like them. It gives me the motivation to keep on running through many many more birthdays to come.

Happy birthday to me!!


Taylor Tribe said...

You're an inspiration!! Keep it up!!:O)

Kelly(M&M) said...

Hey Kim, Only a die hard runner would think of that run as a great way to spend their birthday!! I love starting mine that same way. :-) I love your comments about age. I truly hope to be running when I am 70 too. It is one of the reasons I am so quick to take a break when I get an injury. Although, I am not loving my break right now. Thanks for your post!!(And it is looking like I will need those 5 minutes in a few years! :-)

JP said...

That is so cool!!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You are truly an inspiration!!

(Kelly...MAN I'm hating my break right now...DANG!)

Unknown said...

I just smiled when I read your post! I agree with you in every way!

Robyn said...

Good job on your long run! I ran a 20-miler with Loco last summer and it was TOUGH!!! That is one dedicated group of runners. If you train with them you are in excellent shape. I love your attitude! Happy Birthday!

What was done said...

Happy birthday!
37 can be a great age.
Take a look here:

Kaci said...

Happy late Birthday!! :)

Samantha said...

Happy BIrthday!!