I'm Nicole Richie as an inmate. My neighbor was Paris Hilton as an inmate. :)
My favorite costume was Bill Gates. The dude was hilarious! There was a girl in a full-on wedding dress! The first place costume went to some guy dressed up as superwoman, breasts and all. :) Pretty funny stuff!
I wanted to run that! I'm jealous. Great costume and time. Congrats on placing. Bet that felt good.
I love this report! Sounds like you had a lot of time, and wow!! You are a speedster- congrats on the 2nd place finish. That's awesome. SOmeday we need to run together again. Love ya!
I remember seeing both you and Inmate Hilton. =) Congrats on finishing 2nd! The guy in the Bill Gates costume was hilarious. =)
It was a really fun race - though not as easy as I was expecting. My breathing was really affected - I don't know if it was a combo of the altitude and the cold, or if I was still a bit sick, or what, but I was having some issues. Anyway... it was a gorgeous course and a lot of fun. And hey, gender specific technical tees to boot! =)
What's the best site to find out when and where races are near Provo?
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