Monday, January 04, 2010

New Mom Needs Help!

Thank you so much for the inspiration all of you give me! I love this blog and I love to run, which pretty much means I love all of you. :) I'm mostly a reader- I don't post very often- but I need some advice and thought some of you may have been in the same boat at some point...
I just had my third baby three months ago. I've been running off and on since then, but with the cold weather and the holidays I've been a bit lazy about getting back into my running routine. Now that spring training time is here and a half marathon around the corner, I'm getting more serious.
Which brings me to my problem... when I really start to run consistently and work hard on eating healthy foods my milk supply drops WAY down. I cut back on running and increase my calories and my milk supply comes back up (as does my weight...) It is so frustrating! I don't cut my calories too much- mostly I'm just cutting out desserts, excess sugar, etc.
Have any of you had problems nursing a wee one and running? Any advice?
Thank you!!


emily said...

i think the most important thing is drinking plenty and plenty of fluids. then you and your babe should be fine and healthy.

good luck!

Allison said...

This happened to me and with pumping more and taking the supplement Fenugreek, my supply came back. I actually only needed to take this supplement for maybe 3 weeks. It was frustrating so I understand where you are coming from.

Jamie said...

First of all, let me tell you great job for getting back into running! I have totally been there and posted a similar post about a year ago. One thing I definitely did learn is that my milk has been different w/each baby. I was able to run fine w/babies 1, 2, and 3, but baby 4 did me in. I don't know if it was the stress or what, but stress (which creates cortisol in your body) will seriously deplete your milk supply. With baby #4, I just wasn't able to train hard, ie more than 5 miles, until I weaned him at 1 year.
Here is the link w/all of the responses. They were all very, very helpful!

Anonymous said...
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Liz said...

Thank you! That link was definitely helpful, Jamie- I'm off to track down some fenugreek!

Megan said...

Yep, this happened to me and it is frustrating. Supplements didn't work for me. The only thing I found worked was not worrying about my weight, drinking enough water and pumping more.