Friday, July 20, 2007

Should I be nervous?

Nervous that I only did two 3 milers this week (that didn't go all that well) after taking last week completely off? I'm only nervous because of the Provo half coming up in what.... 4 weeks? I'm gonna go long tomorrow and see what happens. Where are you at in your training, SuzieP? Have you registered for Provo? My brother and I are officially registered. Now I need to switch into gear and actually train! Someone inspire me, please! : )


Kelly(M&M) said...

You should be fine. A break from running is the best thing to do sometimes. You still have plenty of time. :-) I can't wait to hear how it goes for you and Suzie, and I wish I could be there. I am still looking for cheap plane tickets, ha ha!

Suzie Petunia said...

I am registered and looking forward to it! Maybe if you continue to take it easy on the training I'll be able to keep up with you during the race :) I really am looking forward to meeting you. Where should we meet? Do you want to meet somewhere before loading the buses, or at the top at the starting line? We are leaving for Utah in the morning, but I'll have access to my parents' computer and the internet, so I'll be in touch!

Suzie Petunia said...

Chelle, I was just thinking about it... we should get together to have a playdate with the kids while I'm in Utah. I'll be in Bountiful from Sunday to Tuesday with nothing pressing on our schedule. You can find my email on my profile page. Let me know if you want to get together - we could play at a park or something. How fun!