Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Oops! I'm going to do it again!

Someone has offered me a free spot on a Hood to Coast team. And when I say "free" I mean FREE! (No $80 entry fee, plus a free team shirt!) It is easy to make a commitment like this (less than a week before the event) when all the hard stuff has already been taken care of by someone else. Well, except for my training... I've done all of that myself!

It is a lot of work to put together a Hood to Coast team. It must be really frustrating when 6 of your 12 team members have to quit for one reason or another just 2 weeks before the big race. This is the case with the team being sponsored by one of our running friend's law firm. I may not practice law, but I can run! So, I'm on the team. I have never met any of the other 11 runners. This friend who is a lawyer in the firm is actually running for the team I ran with last year. He promises all of the people are incredibly nice - so this should be very fun! I'm running into the unknown, but sometimes that is the most fun thing about being a runner.

I'll be running leg #6:
7.42 miles (hard)
4.15 miles (hard) This one will be around 2:30 in the morning!
5.35 miles (moderate)

Wish me luck!


Chelle said...

WOO HOO! I'm jealous. You know I ran the Wasatch Back under similar circumstances (not a doctor or a nurse, but ran with the hospital team). It was great. I was completely out of my comfort zone (similar to meeting someone off the internet-- ha ha).
Can't wait to hear all about it. Hooray!

Kelly(M&M) said...

I am bummed I won't get to run with you at 2am! You will rock this one! I can't wait to read/hear all about it.

cherl said...

I hope you had a great time!! I was at the coast this week and thinking about all the HTC runners yesterday and today. There was a steady stream of cars heading to the coast on our drive home this morning. Hope you runs were enjoyable! Someday I'd like to do HTC, too.

BTW, what a compliment to be asked at the last minute! You are a superstar, Suzie! I'd ask you to join my team in a heartbeat, too.

cherl said...

A van full of lawyers...? If they are anything like my SIL and her group of attorney friends, that would not be a van I'd want to be in. However, my husband is a gem and he's an attorney, too. They aren't all bad!