Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Mysteries of Running

How is it that a 12 mile run can sometimes be harder than a 20? Am I the only one? So, obviously I am talking about today. I felt like crap almost the entire run. My legs never really felt like they were in a rhythm, I was tired, and I didn't feel like talking. Thanks, Suzie for staying with me for a while. You are doing so awesome! You are so going to rock St. George!!

Here are my ideas for why my run stunk:

a. I knew my sweet husband was at home with a 4 month old who could quite possibly be screaming the entire 2 hours. (and since he just had surgery on Monday, he would not be able to do anything about it. He is stuck in bed and using crutches.)

b. I ran 6 miles yesterday, a little faster than normal. (When am I going to learn that my Saturday runs go much better if I run short and slow on Friday?)

c. I only ran 3 times this week, and last week I ran 6.

d. I didn't do acupuncture this week due to taking care of my hubby.

Hmmmm....are all of you curious to see how acupuncture helps me at St. George? I know I am!! Hope all of your runs went better.

Bryce was awake for a little while, but went back to sleep. So, I am really glad I pushed through this yucky run.


Polliwog said...

It's the Evil 12. Really, I'm not kidding. My 12 in training was absolutely my worst run ever, and my 12 in taper was horrible too. Those were my only two awful runs the entire time. I am going to avoid 12 in the future, opting for 11 or 13. :)

Kelly(M&M) said...

You know, now that I think about it, during my training for my first marathon, my only bad run was my 12! I think you got it figured out!

cherl said...

All runs during the "taper" are bad. Period. It will have absolutely no affect on your upcoming marathon performance (which, btw, you will totally rock, regardless of what your finishing time is).

I haven't run in a week and prior to that? Once in two weeks. I'm a mess, but my husband bought me a treadmill! I'm hoping all this will turn around next week or soon after when the treadmill arrives... This is why I haven't been posting. I feel like a poser.

Chelle said...

I always marvel that if I know I'm going out for a really long run, then getting to 5 or 10 feels like nothing, but if I'm just going out for a 5 miler... those are some long miles! Proof that so much of it is a mental game.

p.s. woo hoo for the taper... you guys are getting close!

Suzie Petunia said...

You certainly didn't show it! You started out at a pretty quick clip on Saturday. Maybe that is why you didn't feel so well. If there is one thing I've learned this go 'round, it is the importance of starting out slow on the long runs. I always feel better at the end if I do.

P.S. Reality check: You had a baby 4 months ago. You are amazing!

And I just finished mopping my kitchen floor, and a as a bonus I scrubbed my front entry floor, too!

Jessica said...

Hi name is Jessica and I was doing some blog surfing and came across your blog and just wanted to tell you that I love it! I am not a "marathon mommy" but I am a "triathlon mommy" so I can definitely related with some of the running stories. Thanks for sharing!

Suzie Petunia said...

Welcome, seanandjess! All moms are welcome here... as long as you don't run faster than me. ;)

Polliwog said...

Welcome! I've always thought doing a triathlon would be fun. Unfortunately, I'm not a strong swimmer. Or biker. Oops, guess that's why I haven't branched out. I'd love to learn more about it, though. There's a girls triathlon club in my area that looks intriguing. Anyway, glad to have you and your athletic insights! Hope you'll stick around.

Jessica said...

I will stick around! Thanks! Biking is my weakest area but I am working at it to get faster. But going from biking to running is the hardest--your legs feel like jello!

Jessica said...

P.S---Suzie I found this blog through your blog which I found through my friend Emily's blog. She and I were roommates at BYU.

JP said...

Also...dear heavens...what's a TAPER?!?!?!

I can't believe I don't know what a taper is.

Crap. What am I doing???