Friday, October 17, 2008

I was here!

Last Saturday I completed my second Marathon in exactly 12 months. I had never run before a year and a half ago. Running has been a wonderful blessing for me, even though I am the slowest runner I have ever met. (seriously I have never met anyone who runs slower than me)

Before I write a little bit about my wonderful day, here is a little video montage of one of the best days of my life.

enjoy! I hope it motivates anyone thinking that they can't do a marathon - that you can do it!

Baltimore Under Armor Marathon,
Baltimore Maryland 2008

Songs off my training mix that I used in the video
Dreamer - Chris Brown
I Was Here - Lady Antebellum


Stacey said...

What a great video. Congratulations on running your 2nd marathon. That is awesome!

Keekee said...

Oh my gosh, that made me want to cry, congratulations, you deserve it. What an adorable family. Now relax :)

Bart, Erin, Hunter, Jorden and a couple of crazy dogs said...

Crying too!!!! Maybe I will come run with you next year :) That looks like an amazing race!

The Foster Bunch said...
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The Foster Bunch said...

That video was awesome, and so are you for completing your 2nd Marathon. That video was so inspiring, it totally makes me want to run a Marathon now. Your family is so cute, what would we do with out our greatest support group. Congrats again!!

Stephanie@Soggy Runner Girl said...

You are an inspiration!!! I would love to run with you next year!

amydear said...

That was a lot of fun. Some people just run, but you make it into an experience. You won't get the fastest times that way, but I'll bet you have the most fun! Thanks for sharing your cool video. I wish I had a marathon to run right now!

Staci Rocha said...

What a great video clip! You made me tear up with joy for you and for how motivational that is to see all your pictures!

THANK YOU so much for sharing your experiences. You truly are an inspiring individual, touching many lives :)

CarrieAnn said...

Great job! I loved the video. It made me all misty eyed. I especially loved your hug with the guy you gave $50 for providing the music for you! Now he knows how much of a difference he makes for the runners!

You chronicled your journey from training all the way through the marathon! Now I want to take pictures all through my next marathon too. :)

Liz said...

I LOVED your video! It totally made me cry. I ran the Baltimore Half this year in prep for running the Richmond marathon next month- it was TOUGH! It was so warm outside, and so hilly! Great job. Your story is very inspirational to me! See you next year! (Maybe I'll get the guts to try the full next year, too!)

emily said...

that video was a lot of fun to watch - what a great idea. GREAT job on your marathon! all that matters is that one finishes, right? :)

runjen said...

That is fabulous. Congratulations!

Mel said...

I loved it! What an inspiration... you go girl!

Mrs. Spencer said...

Your video made me cry too! So awesome and such an inspiration!

(I love all your pics....I know you mentioned before that you had a new small camera-what kind is it? I've been looking for a great one to take running.)

Thanks again for sharing!

5 Miles Past Empty said...

Wow! What a great video! This is so inspirational!

I am proud of you!

Taylor Tribe said...

Congratulations!!! You are awesome....& such an inspiration to me. Yes, I CAN do it...St George UT Marathon 09...BRING IT ON!!! Hope you're recovering well & must add that you have a gorgeous family.

Ang said...

What an awesome video! You inspired me last year and have inspired me once again! Thank you. You ROCK!

Suzie Petunia said...

I don't think anyone has ever EXPERIENCED a marathon the way YOU have! I WANT TO RUN WITH YOU! It may take you a little longer, but what a journey!! It makes me want to jump up and run a race right now. Now THAT is inspiring!

Anonymous said...

so amazing!! awesome video! absolutely has inspired me to sign up for a race! thanks for that!! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for sharing your experience with me! Along with everyone else I got a little emotional. That is what I call fun! Congratulations!

renae said...

Congratulations!!! Thanks for sharing that video - it's fantastic. I was there too but for the half. What a great day it was!

Kristyn said...

I LOVE your video! I've never posted here--this is actually my first visit to the site (through my Sister-in-Law Kelly's site), but I just wanted to say "Way-to-go!" What an awesome way to do a marathon! I want to run with you too! I'm just a beginner runner, but you have totally inspired me! Awesome job!

Annie said...

I ran that one last year. It was a terrific run. One of my favorites. Way to go!