Thursday, February 19, 2009

My love letter to the road...

Dear road,

I miss you. I feel homesick for you. It's been a long time since we last had a moment together. But that's not because I haven't wanted to be with you. I've had things keeping me away. That 3 week Bronchitis and Sinus infection I had for example, really put a kink in things. And then of course my kids have been sick off and on and let's not mention the snow and the inversion which was too unhealthy to even breath. Those things all played a role in my absence. And although I was mentally ready to study your every curve and every detail, it was my IT Band and my lower back that all but crippled me. Yep, the same injury from the marathon 4 months ago. I'm still battling that. But I am trying everything in my power to get you back into my life. It's taking longer than I was expecting and these extra 10 pounds that I've gained are starting to make me really ticked off too. But that's what happens when you have to put other things ahead of yourself on the list of priorities. Time runs out and the healing gets postponed. But I am seeing that whenever your absent in my life, a certain wicked witch of the west appears. You seem to be the thing that melts her. I desperately need you back! My family needs you back!

I'm happy to say that my Chiropractor has been doing an amazing job with getting me back to where I'm structurally supposed to be. It appears that these last 3 years of going, going, and going some more and pounding my body did a number on my system. My body burned out. And this was it's way of telling me to take it easy. Well, I have been. And it's felt great. It's time for that season to come to an end though. I feel internally energized and motivated and it feels so wonderful! We will get to spend some quality one on one time with each other starting very soon. I'm going to have to really take it easy and literally start over as if I've never run before, so be gentle on me. Love me like I love you. And don't be offended when I cheat on you with the pool and the bike too. It can't solely be you, my hot pink Asics and me anymore. We have to share time with them as well. I guess that's what happens when the body gets to be a little older and little more fragile. It's unfortunate. But don't worry, you'll always be my number one. I can promise you that.

I can't wait to pound your pavement again. I can't wait to have that "moment" that we always have. You know the one. The one where I start to bawl and my walls all crumble to the ground on a hard day. The one where you teach me so much and my mind is so clear it's like crystal. The one where I get chills from excitement because I think I could fly if I just opened my arms. The one where I start to giggle because your high feels so great. Yeah, that moment. It's to die for. And it's worth waiting for.
I can feel it, and it's coming soon. You have so much to teach me and we have a lot of catching up to do.

See you soon,



JP said...

I loved this...I've been feeling very similar (for different reasons, but still.) It feels like all my training has been on a treadmill. I miss running outside...the peaceful moment when all is right with the world and with me.

So weird, but as I read your post, I was so wistful. You're definitely not alone my dear...

Amateur Steph said...

I too love the road! Running outside is so much better. Hooray for spring!