Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Runs (umm yeah, those kind)

Not to be gross, but running involves a lot of grossness for me. While I have no desire to stop the farmer blows or the spitting (I do try to avoid being seen while doing this), I sure would like to be able to avoid the runs after I run.
This only happens when I go long distances-- like today I ran a 10 miler and now I am in cramp-city. Anything over 40-50 minutes causes stomach distress. This happened after my first half marathon as well.
Before my run today I ate a granola bar and part of a banana and then drank about 2 cups of water. During my run I drank water (about a bottle full) and had some GU, but it doesn't seem to matter what I eat. I haven't done tons of long runs before now and as I get ready for my first marathon I'm wondering if there's a way to stop this unpleasant situation.
Any tips?


Anonymous said...

Try taking Imodium before your run. It works great for me for those longer distances.

Sher said...

I was also going to say Immodium.
Also, try limiting your fiber before your run.

Ang said...

I had to start only taking Gu's that didn't have caffeine.

Liz said...

How much time are you leaving between when you finish eating and when you set out on your run? I have to wait about 45-60 mins, which is about the time it takes for things to "pass through" completely. Otherwise, you're jostling your stomach and intestines during digestion, which is probably a significant contributor to your problem.

I also agree w/Ang that caffeine can be a pretty harsh diuretic for some people. Seems like Gu only makes a few non-caffeinated flavors, though.

Good luck!

Janice {Run Far} said...

Yes def try Immodium.... I take it quit often during those long runs and especially on race day.

Mrs. Spencer said...

I also think that the immodium works well-I've had alot of other runners suggest that too. I am also very careful about what I eat before I run...and even the night before.

Russell Family said...

Thanks for the warning, I'm just getting started. I tend to spit a lot when running also, any way of preventing that?

Suzie Petunia said...

I've done the Immodium thing before a marathon. It seems to help.

karen said...

i plan my runs so that i will run past a gas station between 9 and 13 miles, just in case. GU cramps me up like crazy. i really like shot bloks. i take one every 10 or so minutes after the first hour. i found one meal that didn't make me "run" and i ate it every friday night before my long runs when i trained for a marathon.