Monday, April 20, 2009

SLC Half Marathon Race Report

Me just before the finish.

This was a great race for me!

Before the race started I was really hoping to find Erin(Bart,Erin,Hunter,and Jorden) before the race so she new I was there running for her brother and so I could give her a big hug! I was so happy that I did get to see her for a brief minute! I think that just got my day going just right.

We started the race, my sister in law was with me, and I just wanted to keep up with her. So I was running faster than I had planned. My plan was to stick with her as long as I could and then slow down when I had to. Well, all the running stars aligned and I just kept up my pace. I figured I would run in about 2 hours 10 minutes, but I came in at 1:58:10! (Apparently Sarai and I were running together and we didn't even know it!) I was really thrilled to have broken the 2 hour mark. It isn't a PR for me, but I'm super happy with the race and how it went.

The kiddos and me after the race. My boy was only interested in my medal. He thinks I got first place and I didn't tell him otherwise. :)

The Half Marathon Girls from left to right. Jana-Sister in law, Me, Shelby-cousin, Kylee-sister.

Now I've got 9 weeks to train for the Seattle Rock-n-Roll Marathon!


Latter-day Runner said...

It must be a great feeling to beat your expected time -- and by more than 10 minutes! See you at the Seattle R'n'R.

Mrs. Spencer said...

Thanks for your race report...It seems like everyone was having a good running day :) You did great!!! Thanks for reminding me that the Seattle Rock-n-Roll is in 9 weeks! (I'm running the Half there)I guess I better get training for that too! Maybe I'll see you there!

Sarai said...

Sweet! You cut off a big chunk off of your goal time, nice! And yeah, we must have run by each other and not even know it. Maybe next time I'll wear a Marathon Mommie t-shirt so people can say hi. Good luck with your full marathon!

Laura said...

Good job. I loved the part about your son thinking you got first place. So cute. Good luck in Seattle! I'm sure that's a beautiful place to run!

Team Hanni said...

It was a joy to run with you. You had an amazing race.... SO Proud of you!

Anniebananie said...

Good job! Wish I could have seen you! Fun to do better than you wanted too! We should hook up for a run sometime!

amydear said...

Wow! Great job. I hope to have a good race soon. I'm interested to see how you like the Seattle marathon. That's one I'd consider in future years.

JP said...

I'm so impressed...way to go, Girl!!

How neat that you got to share such an awesome day with your "peeps" too. :)