Thursday, April 30, 2009

Trailblazer (or blader?)

I have a great cross-training idea for you- ROLLERBLADING! Yesterday, my friend told me that she and another mutual friend had stuck the kids in the jogging stroller and gone rollerblading. I told her that sounded really fun, and she invited me to go with them this morning. I was planning on doing my run early, so I told her I could meet them at 9:00 after we got the kids off to school. So I did my 4:30 a.m. 8-mile run, then my weight workout, got the kids off to school, and pulled out my rollerblades. I had to dust them off- I haven't done if for a while. I stuck Taylor in the stroller, and headed out to meet them at the head of a trail that's by our houses. We went a total of 8.4 miles! It was such a blast! Taylor thought it was awesome, too. (I think I need some better blades, though, I got mine for 10 bucks at a yard sale:). It was such a fun way to burn some extra calories and hang out with friends. I highly recommend it!


Kristin Garrett said...

I am an avid rollerblader! I love your post! Great idea!

Giggles said...

I'm impressed. I'm also interested to know how your glutes feel in the morning. I've found that mine really let me know when I haven't done any rollerblading in a while.

Frenchie said...

I've always wanted to roller blade, but I grew up on those 4-wheel kind that you strap on over your shoes...I'm a little intimidated! LOL

Kim said...

This is for Giggles- I felt pretty good this morning! I was afraid I would be really sore, but I feel o.k.! It was so much fun!

Laura said...

Rollerblading is awesome!

Jamie said...

What a great idea! I love rollerblading, but haven't done it for years. That sounds so fun. :)