Monday, May 04, 2009

How Sick is Too Sick?

As I'm enduring day six of this horrible sinus infection and day seven of not running, I began wondering, "What would a Marathon Mommy do?"

When I woke up Wednesday feeling completely horrible, I knew running was out of the question that day.  But the pressure in my head hasn't gone away, and I continue to be exhausted.  Also, my lungs feel weakened.  However,  I just started the antibiotics yesterday so hopefully I'm on the up-and-up.

But really, how sick is too sick for you guys to not run?  Part of me is enjoying the rest, especially since it's been nothing but rain here in DC.  But of course, the bigger part is sad that I haven't been running in a week.  I feel like I'm losing muscle mass, gaining fat mass, and just becoming more and more blob-ish.  At what point during an illness (if there is one) do you not run?  Does that decision change if you run at a gym?  If the weather is wet and cold?  I'm currently not training for anything specific, so I don't have to run, it's just that I really want to.


Molly said...

Sometimes I need to get sick enough so that I can't run and then I remember again that I really do love running. Does that make sense? Absence makes the eart grow fonder right? Usually by the time I'm feeling the slightest bit better I'm anxious to get out, even if it's just a mile or two. Good luck with that Sinus infection. I can't think of much else that's more miserable.

emily said...

it's always a good thing to listen to your body. your body needs extra calories just fighting off an infection.

but, even when i feel pretty crappy, i at least go on a walk or something to get my heart pumping a little.

hope you start feeling better sis!

Relentless Forward Commotion said...

I am in that exact same boat right now! But, having a 6 month old who doesn't sleep, a 2.5 year old who is really hyper, work 5 days a week....well needless to say I am EXHAUSTED and there is no energy left for running while I'm sick. I feel so guilty about it, but the kids come first ...

Amy said...

I've read somewhere that it takes 2 weeks for your muscles to completely rest. I don't think your muscles atrophy until then. I could be wrong, but I really think that I read that in a few places. That is why tapering is so important... so your muscles get the full amount of rest before a race. If you take a week off after many weeks of training it may actually be a good thing. I say if you're sick, enjoy the break for running, and get back as soon as you can. Your body will thank you for allowing it to rest while it recovers.