I am so close to completing my come-back post-baby race to run the Hands On House Half Marathon in one month, and I did something to my sciatic nerve. I am ready to cut my right leg off from the butt-cheek down. Seriously.
In June I had pulled my piriformis muscle. I know I had overdone it while visiting my parents in Utah. (Free babysitters and miles of mountain trails were much too tempting.) I found some stretches that are supposed to help loosen the piriformis muscle and they worked great. I was running again three weeks later with no problems or pain at all.
Then on Sunday night I was holding my baby in my left arm and I decided to pull the cooler out of the back of the van with my right arm. (Something told me not to do it, but all of us 'mommies' know that we are addicted to multi-tasking, right?) When I pulled the cooler out of the van, I felt something go down my right leg.
For three days I have not been able to sit down. It even hurts to lie down in those common back-injury poses. The crazy thing is, my back doesn't hurt at all, but something is pinching my sciatic nerve. I have tried to do some of the piriformis stretches and they make it hurt worse, so I'm not sure if that is the problem.
I will gladly accept any advice, suggestions, etc.
Not being able to run is killing me!!
I've never posted here, but I have the EXACT same pain. It's horrible! My pain got so bad that I went to an orthopedic surgeon, who prescribed lots of pain meds (because this pain was worse than having a baby!) and steroids. I have a herniated disc. One week later, I am finally able to sleep and sit without extreme pain. Unfortunately, I deferred on a fall marathon because I couldn't even tie my shoes a week ago. Just like you, I just had baby #2 who will soon be 11 months old. Good luck and don't hesitate to see someone. What you're going through is AWFUL!!!!! :(
Thank you. I have been wondering if I should go see a doctor.... seriously, I am standing here typing. I can't even sit down to read a good book, like you would for any normal injury, right?
Oh man! I'm so sorry. I hope you get it taken care of soon. I wish I had more to tell you but I just wanted to know I empathize. Get well soon!
I would suggest a chiropractor first.. call around find one that works on runners :) the one i went too last year was GREAT and it took me a while but he completely healed me!
I am not a fan of medicine.. so i always try to do other things before taking drugs. .. also... maybe you could find a sports medicine place? I know there are sports injury docs around where I live...... I know my regular Dr thinks I am nuts for running as far as i do.. he is old school.. so if I get injured again.. i am going the sports med route!
good luck...
dont let it get you down! you will be back... we all have to start over... it does get depressing.. but hang in there..
rest well!
heres my take on injury and starting over :)
FYI-- I did the whole chiropractor/intuitive healing massage route and it did not work for me! In fact, I went down hill QUICKLY days after those treatments. It's worth a shot, though. I really did not want to go to a doc, but it got to the point that I did not have a choice. : (
ugh! Sciatic nerve trouble is the WORST. I will cry with you. ((HUGS))
Hope you recover quickly. Take it easy.
I'd second the suggestion of seeing a chiropractor, particularly one who specializes in sports medicine. Some doctors will offer a free consultation to find what's ailing you and determine if their care might help. I'm partial to chiropracters because I work for one but I truly believe I've stayed a healthy runner because of regular chiropractic care.
Good luck... I really hope the solution is out there for you.
I feel your pain. I hate to say it but I suffered from sciatica for 9 months. Don't know where it came from or where it went, but thankfully if did finally go. You really only have one choice, control the pain until the inflamation around the nerve subsides. That is where the anti-inflamitories come into play. I was like you massage and chiro just made it worse as did ice. I just got used to standing and never, never sat for any period of time. Mine did not hurt to run though thank goodness, just sitting. You could try one of those crazy looking support belts to support your back while you run. The sciatic nerve does originate there even if it does not hurt there. Good luck.
I agree with the whole chiropractor suggestion. . . especially finding the right one. I have been working with one who does mostly ART (active release therapy) It is mainly working with the muscles and faschia (sp) rather than solely adjusting. It has been a life saver for me. You can look up ART providers in your area. The have to be certified to be listed. I would google it if you are interested. I am so sorry for your pain and discomfort not to mention being unable to run. Please keep us posted on what you decide to do and how it works.
I've never gone to a chiropractor...but I have gone to a physical therapist that specializes in sports medicine. I like them better because they give you stretches and exercises to do to help it heal instead of just saying "lay down and take 8 ibuprofen." I don't think it ever hurts to go to some kind of doctor and at least see what they have to say about it. I'm so sorry. It not only makes it hard to run, but to be a mommy as well!
There is such a thing as piriformis syndrome in the which the muscle basically irritates the sciatic nerve.
It's been a long time since I was in school so I don't remember all of the details about it or the treatment but I'm sure you can find it on the internet or by speaking with a good doc.
From what I do remember, gentle, passive stretches (sometimes painful, so enlist the help of someone else) and rest is the best avenue for healing.
Best wishes!
Oh no! Jamie I am so sorry for you! I totally know your pain (ha, no pun intended). I think you should definitely try to see a PT/Sports Med doctor if it's that bad. They can do some TENS, massage, etc. Have you tried heat/ice packs? Are you taking NSAIDS? (Aleve is a good, slow release one)
I know you're probably desperate, so I'm going to share what worked for my dad. Thyme. Yes, like the herb. He suffered for the better part of a year with sciatic/piriformis issues (he normally runs 5 mi/day) and a family friend suggested thyme. Apparently it's an antispasmodic and muscle relaxant. He swears by it now- it's totally cured him, and he is the most skeptical person I know. Takes it every day. He buys it bulk at the health food store and puts it into capsules. It's worth a try!
Sorry, one more thing. If you don't have a foam roller it's worth every penny to get one. Mine was about $25 and it really helped me with the IT band syndrome. Use it after you've warmed up or had a hot shower. It will hurt, but it works the muscle and releases the tension.
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