Monday, September 28, 2009

I DID IT! 26.2...SO happy!

Saturday Morning I did something I always wondered if I could do... for years and years I heard this whisper of wonder in my head. "could I do that?" "would I be able to take this out of shape body and actually make it go that far?" "it seems impossible.. but those people have done it.. maybe.. just maybe I can"


I ran 26.2 "by myself" ... what I call a solitude marathon. My family came and ran a few miles with me to help me get through... its hard to explain how I feel... and I think its all still sinking in..


CLICK HERE to see my "solitude race report" .. and see a video. :)

Thanks soooooo much to all you fantastic women here who made me believe I COULD do this. Those of you who have gone before me... helped me sooo much.... I know I dont know you in person.. and some of you here have never commented or seen my blog...

but YOU all gave me

HOPE, helped my DREAMS come true, and made me BELIEVE in myself!

Thank you is not enough.


Keva Kate said...

That is so awesome! And to do it solo??? You seriously deserve a high five for that! Great job on staying motivated!!

Jenny said...

Congratulations, you should be very proud! Enjoy your "recovery week!"

Rachel said...

Congrats!! That is something I have chalked up to, " I don't think I could, but wouldn't it be awesome if I did?" I am planning on running my very first 5K in two weeks, and I am wondering if I am going to make it through that! So.. Kuddos to you!

Mrs. Spencer said...

Great Job!!! I was thinking of you this weekend...knowing you were running your own personal marathon! Thanks for the inspiration!

Robyn said...

Great job Ruthie! You are amazing. I think it would be even harder to run it by yourself than in an organized race, so you should really give yourself even bigger props! You can do ANYthing you put your mind (and body) to. Awesome.

Jamie said...

That is awesome! Great job! I am so impressed that you did it on your own, which I think is even harder than just running for a regular road race. Your strength and determination inspires me!

Christy said...

Great job! Woo hooo! You are woman, hear you roar!!!

Swim, bike, what? said...

Ruthie! That is awesome!


Ruthie said...

thanks Y'all :) you all make me want to do it again.. in a organized race:) with t-shirts at the end :)