Monday, December 27, 2010

Chi Running: Have you read this book?

I picked up the book, Chi Running by Danny and Katherine Dreyer, two months ago with every intention of diving into it immediately. Unfortunately, life became busy and I hadn't had a chance to even open the book until this week. I am happy to say I have finally started to read this book! I'm curious if you've read it. What did you think? Did you change anything for yourself? Have you seen improvement? If so, how?


Sarah said...

I have it and have never read it cover to cover but have read it A LOT! When a run gets hard I'm telling myself "Cotton & Steel, Cotton & Steel". :) I love this book and highly advocate this way of training your body and mind. I use it as a constant study tool and would love to actually make it to his seminar one day... Hope you enjoy it as much as I have! I'd love to read more about your experience as you read it!

Amanda@runninghood said...

I would love to hear your thoughts on this book when you do read it! I just started reading Brain Training For Runners and Love it so far!

Jen said...

Start with Chapter 4, that is where the good stuff about posture it.

cherl said...

Sarah- That has been my experience with this book so far. I haven't really read it, I've just been reading bits and pieces that interest me (like chapter 4, Jen!). I've been trying to put some of his advice into my practice but it's usually a little here and a little there. It works best when I'm conscious of making the effort. I've enjoyed what I have read though. It's beautiful the way he talks about running.

Amanda- I'm going to look into that book, too. Thanks!